
歌曲 如何挑选求职者(3/3)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 剑桥商务英语高级真题集


I do wish David. Which David? David James, Development. Now, he's a good manager. Yes, and that's why we should have had him here. Absolutely. He's so good at interviewing. I've never seen him conducting one, actually. But he wouldn't have much direct contact with the new person. No, but he did come up with the specifications for the post. Yeah, and so his input would have been useful. Right. Anyway, he wasn't, so it's up to us. Personally, I'd go for Elaine Harris. Me too. Though her track record's a little short. True, and she does lack some of the wider knowledge I'd like to have seen. But she's clarly a quick learner. That's the thing, isn't it? Her approach just seems right. Very can-do. Mmm. So that's it? Yeah, and I'm stressed out. Well, if we've got it wrong, imagine what it would cost in the end. Well, that's life. But I just find it so hard, that process of holding all the various factors in my head simultaneously, balancing. Yeah. Fitting it all together in my mind. Well, I'll send David an email tomorrow morning. I'm in early, so I can do it first thing. And then, assuming he's in agreement.
我真希望戴维在这儿 哪个戴维 戴维·杰姆斯,部门里的那个 哦,他是个好经理 恩,所以我们才需要他 你说的对,他对面试很在行 但事实上,我还没见过他面试过谁 那是因为他和新人没有直接的接触 恩,但他确实为这个岗位提供了很多规则 是的,所以他的加入才显得那么重要 总之,他不在,我们还是得靠自己,我个人比较喜欢艾琳·哈瑞斯 我也是,尽管她的样品有点短 恩,而且我认为她需要更广泛一点的知识 但她学习能力很强 所以,这就是我们想要的,不是吗?她更接近我们的要求 非常接近 嗯哼 那么,就她了? 恩,我紧张透了 好吧,如果我们的决定是错的,想想最后会有什么后果 这就是命,但我真觉得这太难了,这整个过程,所有的因素,在我脑子里碰撞 嗯哼 都在我的脑子里 我明天早上就给戴维发一封邮件,我上早班,我可以立马做这件事,希望他会同意


I do wish David. Which David? David James, Development. Now, he' s a good manager. Yes, and that' s why we should have had him here. Absolutely. He' s so good at interviewing. I' ve never seen him conducting one, actually. But he wouldn' t have much direct contact with the new person. No, but he did come up with the specifications for the post. Yeah, and so his input would have been useful. Right. Anyway, he wasn' t, so it' s up to us. Personally, I' d go for Elaine Harris. Me too. Though her track record' s a little short. True, and she does lack some of the wider knowledge I' d like to have seen. But she' s clarly a quick learner. That' s the thing, isn' t it? Her approach just seems right. Very cando. Mmm. So that' s it? Yeah, and I' m stressed out. Well, if we' ve got it wrong, imagine what it would cost in the end. Well, that' s life. But I just find it so hard, that process of holding all the various factors in my head simultaneously, balancing. Yeah. Fitting it all together in my mind. Well, I' ll send David an email tomorrow morning. I' m in early, so I can do it first thing. And then, assuming he' s in agreement.
wǒ zhēn xī wàng dài wéi zài zhè ér něi gè dài wéi dài wéi jié mǔ sī, bù mén lǐ de nà gè ó, tā shì gè hǎo jīng lǐ ēn, suǒ yǐ wǒ men cái xū yào tā nǐ shuō de duì, tā duì miàn shì hěn zài háng dàn shì shí shàng, wǒ hái méi jiàn guò tā miàn shì guò shuí nà shi yīn wèi tā hé xīn rén méi yǒu zhí jiē de jiē chù ēn, dàn tā què shí wèi zhè gè gǎng wèi tí gōng le hěn duō guī zé shì de, suǒ yǐ tā de jiā rù cái xiǎn de nà me zhòng yào zǒng zhī, tā bù zài, wǒ men hái shì de kào zì jǐ, wǒ gè rén bǐ jiào xǐ huān ài lín hā ruì sī wǒ yě shì, jǐn guǎn tā de yàng pǐn yǒu diǎn duǎn ēn, ér qiě wǒ rèn wéi tā xū yào gèng guǎng fàn yì diǎn de zhī shí dàn tā xué xí néng lì hěn qiáng suǒ yǐ, zhè jiù shì wǒ men xiǎng yào de, bú shì ma? tā gèng jiē jìn wǒ men de yāo qiú fēi cháng jiē jìn hēng nà me, jiù tā le? ēn, wǒ jǐn zhāng tòu le hǎo ba, rú guǒ wǒ men de jué dìng shì cuò de, xiǎng xiǎng zuì hòu huì yǒu shén me hòu guǒ zhè jiù shì mìng, dàn wǒ zhēn jué de zhè tài nán le, zhè zhěng gè guò chéng, suǒ yǒu de yīn sù, zài wǒ nǎo zi lǐ pèng zhuàng hēng dōu zài wǒ de nǎo zi lǐ wǒ míng tiān zǎo shàng jiù gěi dài wéi fā yī fēng yóu jiàn, wǒ shàng zǎo bān, wǒ kě yǐ lì mǎ zuò zhè jiàn shì, xī wàng tā huì tóng yì