第三辑 Test2 Part3(3/4)

歌曲 第三辑 Test2 Part3(3/4)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 剑桥商务英语高级真题集


You do teamwork, don't you, even though the teams aren't physically working in the same place. How does that work? Surprisingly, perhaps, it makes them more effective. Because they know they're only coming into the office for a team meeting, they plan that meeting much more carefully than perhaps they would do otherwise. And between meetings they communicate by email or phone, and that tends to take the pressure off reaching a decision before thinking it right through. Earlier, you mentioned the use of electronic communication internally, like the phone, and computers for emails. Have these replaced face-to-face contact? Not entirely. In fact, managers often work from home too, and staff are sometimes afraid, wrongly in fact, that a phone call will disturb them, or that an email won't be read on time. So, we make sure staff can regularly talk to their managers face-to-face.