第三辑 Test3 Part3(2/4)

歌曲 第三辑 Test3 Part3(2/4)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 剑桥商务英语高级真题集


Hmm ... that's a good point. Well, let's aim for that then. I'll try and get a date out of the Director. Right, now Mr Dawson asked me what we thought about appointing somebody to oversee all this because we're both going to be tied up here. I suggested to him that they send someone down from Head Office but he didn't seem very keen. I don't think that's a good idea because they won't know the local situation. We'd be better off putting it in the hands of a recruitment agency, they could do all the initial filtering. The manager at the new factory wants to be involved but he can step in to help later on, which means we'd have some internal control. Yes, that's a good idea. I'll suggest that. I also had a discussion with Mr Dawson about what kind of experience we would be looking for in new staff. I was quite surprised actually because he said he didn't think we need people to have done exactly the same thing as long as they had about four or five years' general work experience. But I pointed out to him that if we just take anybody from any field then we're bound to end up with a lot of wastage because a lot of them will turn out not to be suitable. So I proposed that we appoint people who've worked in something similar. As long as they've got a rough idea of what the job involves, that's the main thing.