第三辑 Test4 Part3(2/4)

歌曲 第三辑 Test4 Part3(2/4)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 剑桥商务英语高级真题集


So what will affect us first? Well, the skills audit, though its real effects won't be apparent for some time. I don't know, I think that was a wasted opportunity, really ... It was so thorough, too thorough in fact, I mean, they asked absolutely everyone about absolutely everything because they were so obsessed with wanting to be accurate, but the result is they're just swamped with information, they didn't need to be that in-depth. So is it really these divisional targets that will have the first impact? Err, yeah! I suppose. But then again, there's some poor design involved there. Oh sure, they've carefully calculated how sales move throughout the year, but the point is that it's not only shifting actual products that counts -- the targets should really be looking at data on customer satisfaction too, which is certainly a major concern in my section, where we're always looking for ways to keep that high enough to retain customers.