第四辑 Test2 Part3(1/4)

歌曲 第四辑 Test2 Part3(1/4)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 剑桥商务英语高级真题集


Well, Sarah, what do you make of this assignment? Quite tough, isn't it? Peter, it's not the easiest, that's for sure! But this course was never going to be a holiday, was it? Definitely not! Anyway, the job this time seems to be pretty detailed, analytical. But we have to be looking at the wider picture, don't we? I mean, the strategies these organisations put in place. Yes, how they structure employees. And it's that aspect of organizations we're supposed to be reviewing. Yup. I must say, I think the course in general is pretty well put together. Yeah, the lecturing input's pretty high standard, isn't it? No better than I expected, though it's probably a bit tipped in favour of the theoretical side, I'd say. But whatever, I do feel everyone's particular situation's taken account of, so we all feel it's tailor-made for us, somehow, if you see what I mean.