第四辑 Test2 Part3(4/4)

歌曲 第四辑 Test2 Part3(4/4)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 剑桥商务英语高级真题集


But what about the energy you get from colleagues? Well, nothing can replace the creative buzz you get off interacting with them, really exchanging ideas. It's only whether the price of that is worth it. Well, who knows what the future will hold for us? People are saying computer applications will mean more and more accuracy in harnessing relevant data. I'm not convinced. I certainly think specialization's going to be the key, knowing your own region, and that comes from hands-on experience. What's special about it, yeah, sure, so how to focus your sales efforts accordingly. Because customers will always respond to focused marketing. Oh, absolutely.