第四辑 Test3 Part2(4/5)

歌曲 第四辑 Test3 Part2(4/5)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 剑桥商务英语高级真题集


The company I worked for merged with another one, and I was given the task of evaluating all the senior positions and redefining their roles to fit into the structure of the new company. It was pretty hard, because people were afraid they'd lose their jobs, so the atmosphere was awful. But it also proved very difficult to find out exactly how the other company had been operating. It was small, and the directors were basically a group of friends who'd set up the business together. Everything was done verbally, and they hadn't bothered to draw up organograms or job descriptions. I had to spend ages talking to all of them, so it took me a long time to reach the point where I felt confident enough to present my report.