
歌曲 丹麦警方拘捕近千名抗议哥本哈根峰会者
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC新闻


BBC News with Jonathan Izzard. Danish police have detained about 900 people near the international conference on climate change in Copenhagen. Television picture showed people sitting in the streets with their hands tied behind their backs. They were detained as tens of thousands of protestors ma…
Jonathan Izzard为您播报BBC新闻。 丹麦警方在哥本哈根讨论气候变化的国际会议召开地附近拘留了约900人。从电视图片上看,人们坐在大街上,双手被绑在背后。成百上千的抗议者在行进示威时被拘留,他们要求采取强硬措施保护环境。N.G现场报道。 据警方估计,大约有3万人加入了此次长达六公里的行进队伍,在他们行进的目的地…


BBC News with Jonathan Izzard. Danish police have detained about 900 people near the international conference on climate change in Copenhagen. Television picture showed people sitting in the streets with their hands tied behind their backs. They were detained as tens of thousands of protestors ma
Jonathan Izzard wèi nín bō bào BBC xīn wén. dān mài jǐng fāng zài gē běn hā gēn tǎo lùn qì hòu biàn huà de guó jì huì yì zhào kāi dì fù jìn jū liú le yuē 900 rén. cóng diàn shì tú piàn shàng kàn, rén men zuò zài dà jiē shàng, shuāng shǒu bèi bǎng zài bèi hòu. chéng bǎi shàng qiān de kàng yì zhě zài háng jìn shì wēi shí bèi jū liú, tā men yāo qiú cǎi qǔ qiáng yìng cuò shī bǎo hù huán jìng. N. G xiàn chǎng bào dào. jù jǐng fāng gū jì, dà yuē yǒu 3 wàn rén jiā rù le cǐ cì cháng dá liù gōng lǐ de xíng jìn duì wǔ, zài tā men xíng jìn de mù dì dì