
奥巴马当选美国总统 歌词

歌曲 奥巴马当选美国总统
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC新闻
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[00:00.01] Barack Obama is to become the next president of the United States, the 44th to hold the office and the first black president.
[00:07.33] In a victory speech to hundreds of thousands of supporters in Chicago, Mr Obama said the American people face some of their most serious challenges in 100 years.
[00:16.36] In the congressional elections, which coincided with the presidential poll, the Democrats consolidated their control of both houses of Congress.
[00:24.01] As Rajini Vaidyanathan reports from Washington, it's the Democrats' first clear victory in such elections for 40 years.
[00:31.09] In the Senate, the party made some key gains, including defeating Elizabeth Dole in North Carolina, a seat the Republicans had held for 35 years.
[00:41.47] But, it looks like the Democrats have failed to reach the magic number of 60 senators, which would have made it easier for them to pass bills without being blocked.
[00:51.66] The Democrats' increased majority will however allow the party to exercise more control.
[00:57.20] The same can be said for their position in the House of Representatives.
[01:01.43] Projections there suggest the party could increase its number of seats by as many as 20.
[00:00.01] 巴拉克.奥巴马将成为美国下任总统、第四十四任总统和第一位黑人总统。
[00:07.33] 在对数十万名芝加哥支持者的一次胜利演讲中,奥巴马表示,美国人民在100年中面临着一些最严峻的挑战。
[00:16.36] 在与总统选举同时举行的国会选举中,民主党巩固了他们对国会两院的控制权。
[00:24.01] 正如Rajini在华盛顿报道的那样,这是民主党在这场选举中的第一次明确的胜利。
[00:31.09] 在参议院,该党取得了一些关键的成就,包括击败了北卡罗来纳州的伊丽莎白·多尔(伊丽莎白),这是共和党35年来的一个席位。
[00:41.47] 但是,看起来民主党人没有达到60名参议员的神奇人数,这将使他们更容易在不被阻止的情况下通过法案。
[00:51.66] 然而,民主党的多数人将允许该党行使更多的控制权。
[00:57.20] 对于他们在众议院中的地位,也可以说同样的话。
[01:01.43] 据预测,该政党可以将其席位的数量增加20多个。
奥巴马当选美国总统 歌词
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