
歌曲 美国军事:以色列军演与冲绳基地
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC新闻


Israel and the United States are holding what's believed to be their biggest ever joint military exercise. Two thousand US and Israeli troops are taking part in the two-week simulation. From Jerusalem, Tim Franks. In a statement, the Israeli military stressed the exercises had been long in the prep…
以色列和美国举行至今为止最大规模的军事演习.2000名美国和以色列军队参加了为期两周的模拟演习.来自耶路撒冷,TF报道. 以色列官方在一份声明中强调这次演习准备了很久.不是针对一些事件.以色列内部知情人士透露,这次演习有两个重要性,来威慑以色列的敌国,如加沙, 黎巴嫩, 叙利亚,伊朗,还有免除以色列后顾之忧,关于,伊朗的…


Israel and the United States are holding what' s believed to be their biggest ever joint military exercise. Two thousand US and Israeli troops are taking part in the twoweek simulation. From Jerusalem, Tim Franks. In a statement, the Israeli military stressed the exercises had been long in the prep
yǐ sè liè hé měi guó jǔ xíng zhì jīn wéi zhǐ zuì dà guī mó de jūn shì yǎn xí. 2000 míng měi guó hé yǐ sè liè jūn duì cān jiā le wéi qī liǎng zhōu de mó nǐ yǎn xí. lái zì yē lù sā lěng, TF bào dào. yǐ sè liè guān fāng zài yī fèn shēng míng zhōng qiáng diào zhè cì yǎn xí zhǔn bèi le hěn jiǔ. bú shì zhēn duì yī xiē shì jiàn. yǐ sè liè nèi bù zhī qíng rén shì tòu lù, zhè cì yǎn xí yǒu liǎng gè zhòng yào xìng, lái wēi shè yǐ sè liè de dí guó, rú jiā shā, lí bā nèn, xù lì yà, yī lǎng, hái yǒu miǎn chú yǐ sè liè hòu gù zhī yōu, guān yú, yī lǎng de