
歌曲 里约热内卢获得2016年奥运会举办权
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC新闻


[00:01.71] BBC News with Joe Macintosh.
[00:03.78] The Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro has been chosen to host the 2016 Olympic Games.
[00:08.93] It'll be the first South American city to stage the event.
[00:12.03] Rio beat the Spanish capital Madrid in a final round of voting by the International Olympic Committee.
[00:17.89] The bookmakers' favourite,
[00:18.76] the city of Chicago,
[00:20.59] was eliminated in the first round,
[00:22.13] and Tokyo in the second.
[00:24.93] A United Nations agency has responded to a week of natural disasters in Asia by saying the region must invest more in preventative measures.
[00:32.68] The International Strategy for Disaster Reduction said Asia was highly exposed with regular earthquakes combined and extreme weather conditions,
[00:40.02] both of which are exacerbated by climate change and population growth.
[00:43.76] It said Asian countries should improve construction standards.
[00:47.23] This is the World News, from the BBC.


[00:01.71] Joe Macintosh wèi nín bō bào BBC xīn wén
[00:03.78] bā xī chéng shì lǐ yuē rè nèi lú bèi xuǎn wèi jǔ bàn 2016 ào yùn huì
[00:08.93] zhè jiāng shì nán měi zhōu shǒu gè jǔ bàn chéng shì
[00:12.03] lì tuò zài guó jì ào wěi huì de zuì hòu yī lún tóu piào zhōng jī bài xī bān yá shǒu dū mǎ dé lǐ
[00:17.89] zhuāng jiā de zuì ài
[00:18.76] zhī jiā gē shì
[00:20.59] zài dì yī lún bèi táo tài
[00:22.13] dōng jīng zài dì èr
[00:24.93] lián hé guó de yí gè jī gòu yǐ jīng huí yìng le yī zhōu zì rán zāi hài de yà zhōu shuō gāi dì qū bì xū tóu rù gèng duō de yù fáng cuò shī
[00:32.68] guó jì jiǎn zāi zhàn lüè biǎo shì yà zhōu miàn lín pín fán de dì zhèn hé jí duān qì hòu tiáo jiàn
[00:40.02] zhè liǎng zhě dōu shì yóu yú qì hòu biàn huà hé rén kǒu zēng zhǎng ér jiā jù de
[00:43.76] tā biǎo shì yà zhōu guó jiā yīng gāi tí gāo jiàn shè biāo zhǔn
[00:47.23] zhè shì lái zì BBC de guó jì xīn wén