
歌曲 英特尔与AMD达成和解
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC新闻听写


[00:00.26] The world’s largest maker of microchips, Intel,
[00:03.09] is to pay its main rival, AMD,
[00:04.95] one and a quarter billion dollars
[00:06.92] to settle a long running anti-trust and patent dispute.
[00:09.89] In return, AMD will drop all its lawsuits against Intel.
[00:13.55] Mark Gregory reports.
[00:15.79] By reaching a settlement now,
[00:17.23] the two sides avoid uncertainty over the outcome of
[00:20.46] the trial and millions of dollars of legal costs.
[00:23.49] The deal is a particular relief to AMD’s investors.
[00:27.69] The company’s finance is being strained by
[00:30.10] the unequal battle with Intel.
[00:32.20] AMD shares rose nearly a third
[00:34.42] in value on news of the deal,
[00:36.85] but there are also advantages for Intel
[00:39.07] which’s facing multiple investigations
[00:41.67] into its business practices
[00:43.40] along with several lawsuits by regulators
[00:46.31] in the US, Europe and Asia.


[00:00.26] The world' s largest maker of microchips, Intel,
[00:03.09] is to pay its main rival, AMD,
[00:04.95] one and a quarter billion dollars
[00:06.92] to settle a long running antitrust and patent dispute.
[00:09.89] In return, AMD will drop all its lawsuits against Intel.
[00:13.55] Mark Gregory reports.
[00:15.79] By reaching a settlement now,
[00:17.23] the two sides avoid uncertainty over the outcome of
[00:20.46] the trial and millions of dollars of legal costs.
[00:23.49] The deal is a particular relief to AMD' s investors.
[00:27.69] The company' s finance is being strained by
[00:30.10] the unequal battle with Intel.
[00:32.20] AMD shares rose nearly a third
[00:34.42] in value on news of the deal,
[00:36.85] but there are also advantages for Intel
[00:39.07] which' s facing multiple investigations
[00:41.67] into its business practices
[00:43.40] along with several lawsuits by regulators
[00:46.31] in the US, Europe and Asia.


[00:00.26] shì jiè shang zuì dà de xīn piàn shēng chǎn chǎng shāng yīng tè ěr
[00:03.09] jiāng yào xiàng qí zuì dà de jìng zhēng duì shǒu AMD zhī fù
[00:04.95] 12. 5 yì měi yuán xià yī xíng" trust" zài běn wén zhōng bú shì xìn tuō
[00:06.92] yǐ píng xī cháng qī yǐ lái de fǎn lǒng duàn hé zhuān lì jiū fēn
[00:09.89] zuò wéi huí yìng, AMD jiāng huì fàng qì qí zhēn duì yīng tè ěr de suǒ yǒu sù sòng
[00:13.55] lái zì Mark Gregory de bào dào
[00:15.79] tōng guò xiàn jīn dá chéng xié yì,
[00:17.23] shuāng fāng bì miǎn le sù sòng jié guǒ de bù què dìng xìng
[00:20.46] yǐ jí shàng yì měi yuán de sù sòng fèi yòng
[00:23.49] zhè yī jiāo yì duì AMD de tóu zī zhě men lái shuō shí zài shì yī zhǒng jiě tuō
[00:27.69] yóu yú miàn duì yīng tè ěr de bù gōng píng jìng zhēng,
[00:30.10] AMD de cái wù zhuàng kuàng yī zhí shì zhuō jīn jiàn zhǒu
[00:32.20] shòu cǐ jiāo yì xiāo xī de yǐng xiǎng,
[00:34.42] AMD de gǔ jià shàng zhǎng le jiāng jìn sān fēn zhī yī
[00:36.85] dàn duì yú miàn lín duō xiàng zhēn duì qí shāng yè xíng wéi de diào chá,
[00:39.07] yǐ jí lái zì měi guó ōu zhōu hé yà zhōu de
[00:41.67] jiān guǎn zhě men de yī xì liè sù sòng
[00:43.40] de yīng tè ěr lái shuō,
[00:46.31] qí shí hái shì cún zài yǒu lì tiáo jiàn de