
歌曲 保持联系
歌手 英语听力
专辑 地道英语


[00:01.38] Hello, I'm Neil. And I'm Helen. How are you Neil? Not good. What's wrong? I posted my house-keys. You posted your house-keys?
[00:11.79] Let me guess, you dropped them in the letterbox by mistake. Yes, I got mixed up. Instead of putting a letter in, I put my keys in.
[00:21.84] Oh dear. But I have my address attached to my keys, so maybe they'll end up getting posted back to me. Yes, you might get them posted back to your house or you might get burgled, now that someone has your address as well as your house-keys.
[00:38.56] Oh no, thieves might get into my house. I'd better go and wait outside to see what happens. OK, good luck. I'll keep you posted. See you later. Neil will "keep me posted".
[00:53.89] That doesn't mean he's going to put me in the postbox, even though he's obviously a bit confused about what should or shouldn't go in postboxes.
[01:03.75] It means he will keep me informed, he will tell me what happens. Listen to some examples. I don't know what time they're arriving, but I'll keep you posted.
[01:15.54] Keep me posted on how things go in your new job. I kept them posted on what was happening. I hope Neil's keys find their way home. Hello? Hi, it's Neil. Neil. Any news?
[01:30.87] Well, someone posted my keys back to me. Great. But they put them through the letterbox. Oh no, so you've got your keys back, but now you're locked out.
[01:41.52] And I'm stuck. I tried to get through a window but I don't fit. I'm half-in, half-out. Thank goodness, help must be arriving. Don't move. Does it look like I can move? Hands on your head.
[01:56.45] Oh dear, it sounds like someone called the police. They probably thought Neil was a burglar. But, this is my house. Is it indeed? I'd better leave you to explain yourself now.
[02:08.84] But do keep me posted Neil. Keep you posted. How am I going to do that if I'm locked up? Arrested for for breaking into my own house. Bye.


[00:01.38] nǐ hǎo, wǒ shì Neil. wǒ shì Helen. Neil nǐ zuì jìn zěn me yàng? bù tài hǎo. zěn me le? wǒ jì chū le wǒ jiā de yào shi. nǐ bǎ nǐ jiā yào shi jì chū qù le?
[00:11.79] wǒ cāi shì nǐ cuò bǎ tā men rēng jìn yóu xiāng le ba. shì de, wǒ nòng hún le, wǒ méi yǒu bǎ xìn fàng jìn yóu xiāng fǎn ér bǎ yào shi rēng jìn qù le.
[00:21.84] tiān na, qīn ài de. dàn shì wǒ de yào shi shàng fù yǒu wǒ de dì zhǐ, suǒ yǐ tā men zuì zhōng yīng gāi huì bǎ tā jì huán gěi wǒ. shì de, nǐ kě néng huì shōu dào tā men jì huí lái de yào shi, huò shì nǐ kě néng zāo dào dào qiè, yīn wèi xiàn zài mǒu gè rén yǒu nǐ jiā de dì zhǐ yǐ jí nǐ jiā de yào shi
[00:38.56] bú yào a, xiǎo tōu kě néng huì lái wǒ jiā de. wǒ zuì hǎo qù wài miàn děng zhe kàn kàn huì fā shēng shén me. hǎo de, zhù nǐ hǎo yùn. wǒ huì hé nǐ bǎo chí lián xì de. zài jiàn. Neil huì" hé wǒ bǎo chí lián xì".
[00:53.89] zhè bú shì shuō tā yào bǎ wǒ fàng jìn yóu xiāng lǐ, jí shǐ tā duì yú shén me gāi fàng jìn yóu xiāng lǐ shén me bù gāi fàng jìn qù míng xiǎn dì yǒu diǎn hùn luàn
[01:03.75] zhè yì wèi zhe tā huì chí xù gào zhī wǒ, tā huì gào sù wǒ fā shēng le shén me. zǐ xì tīng xià miàn dí lì zi. wǒ bù zhī dào tā men shén me shí hòu huì dào, dàn shì wǒ huì hé nǐ bǎo chí lián xì
[01:15.54] duì yú nǐ xīn gōng zuò de fā zhǎn hé wǒ bǎo chí lián xì. wǒ huì gào zhī nǐ fā shēng de shì qíng. wǒ xī wàng Neil de yào shi huì huí lái. wèi? nǐ hǎo, wǒ shì Neil. Neil, yǒu shén me xiāo xī ma
[01:30.87] , yǒu rén bǎ wǒ de yào shi jì huí lái le. zhēn bàng. dàn shì tā men bǎ tā fàng jìn le yóu xiāng. tiān na, suǒ yǐ nǐ de yào shi huí lái le, dàn shì xiàn zài tā men bèi suǒ qǐ lái le
[01:41.52] ér qiě xiàn zài wǒ bèi kǎ zhù le. wǒ shì zhe tōng guò chuāng hù jìn qù dàn shì wǒ de shēn cái bù shì hé. wǒ xiàn zài yī bàn zài lǐ biān, yī bàn zài wài miàn. gǎn ēn shàng dì, wǒ yí dìng huì de dào bāng zhù de. bú yào dòng. wǒ xiàn zài kàn qǐ lái xiàng shì kě yǐ dòng de ma? bǎ nǐ de shǒu fàng dào tóu dǐng
[01:56.45] qīn ài de, zhè tīng qǐ lái xiàng shì yǒu rén jiào le jǐng chá. tā men kě néng rèn wéi Neil shì yí gè xiǎo tōu. dàn shì zhè shì wǒ jiā. zhè shì zhēn de ma? wǒ xiàn zài zuì hǎo qù bāng nǐ jiě shì yī xià
[02:08.84] dàn shì yí dìng yào hé wǒ bǎo chí lián xì, Neil. hé nǐ bǎo chí lián xì, dàn rú guǒ wǒ bèi guān qǐ lái wǒ néng zuò shí mǒ ne? yīn wèi chuǎng jìn zì jǐ de jiā bèi dài bǔ. zài jiàn