
歌曲 严厉惩罚某人
歌手 英语听力
专辑 地道英语


[00:01.44] Hello, I'm Helen and I'm here today to co-present The English We Speak and the presenter is Rosie. Where is she?
[00:17.23] Hi, I'm Rosie. Hi Helen. I'm sorry I'm late. The traffic, you know?
[00:22.56] Is it that bad? I live in North London, like you, and I've managed to be here on time. Maybe you should take a different route so you wouldn't be late anymore.
[00:34.80] Yesterday you were a bit late too. And the day before. I saw when you arrived in the middle of an important meeting. This is not good.
[00:44.94] I know. The boss was not pleased and he called me afterwards into his office. He says he will throw the book at me.
[00:52.24] Oh, that's bad. That's very bad.
[00:56.34] Yes, it is. I'm very concerned now. I know that I should be more careful.
[01:01.61] They are very big. Have you seen these massive encyclopaedias he keeps on the dark wooden shelves behind his desk?
[01:11.31] He's not into electronic books and neither into those so-called paperbacks. The man likes heavy leather cover traditional books and old collectors' antiques and furniture.
[01:25.50] I know he likes antiques, that does not bother me.
[01:28.72] He's going to throw the book at me, Helen. He said it yesterday. He sounded very angry, very crossed and he said,
[01:36.96] "Rosie, it's happening too often now. You're always late for meetings, for programmes, you have been absent frequently and I'm going to throw the book at you."
[01:47.56] That's what he said, Helen.
[01:49.14] Oh, the books are heavy and you might get seriously hurt. He's a strong man, maybe he will throw the other things too.
[01:58.22] Oh, I don't like to see him angry. He is a good boss but he's got a temper.
[02:04.98] There's that Queen Victoria bust from the 19th century he loves. It's an antique too, if you get him angry enough he might even throw the bust on you.
[02:15.73] Queen Victoria's bust? Eh what are you talking about?
[02:20.93] Helen, in English, to throw the book at somebody means to impose the maximum penalty on somebody who has been breaking the rules.
[02:29.70] The book is supposed to be the list of rules and regulations and the expression is used by people in a position of authority. Let's listen to some examples.
[02:40.40] Mr Jones, I'm tired of seeing you in my courtroom! If you don't stop trying to steal cars I'm going to throw the book at you. You'll face a long prison sentence.
[02:51.80] I'm sorry, Judge. I think I've learnt my lesson now and will behave properly.
[02:57.30] I'm your teacher. Pay attention to what I'm saying. If you continue cheating in your exams I'm going to throw the book at you.
[03:06.61] Oh, I see. So he will not actually pick up that heavy Encyclopaedia Britannica and throw it in your direction and hurt you.
[03:16.47] Of course not. He probably will send me a formal letter and start disciplinary procedures with the human resources department and might end up sacking me.
[03:26.37] But at least you will not be hurt and the book will be preserved. I like that book, you know.
[03:33.10] When I was a child I used to enjoy looking up things in encyclopaedias, they're very interesting. This was before the internet was so accessible.
[03:42.23] It doesn't matter what happens to his old books, Helen. This is serious. It might not hurt me but it will hurt my pocket. No job, no money.
[03:53.80] Well, if you don't want him to sack you, then buy a watch and don't come late anymore. Follow the rules.
[04:00.57] And I don't want to finish the programme late. Nobody will throw the book at me. Goodbye.
[04:07.94] I will buy a new watch. Thank you for the advice. Bye.


[00:01.44] dà jiā hǎo, wǒ shì hǎi lún, wǒ jīn tiān zài zhè lǐ yǔ dà jiā yì qǐ zhǔ chí dì dào yīng yǔ jié mù, zhǔ chí rén shì luó xī. tā zài nǎ lǐ ne?
[00:17.23] hāi, wǒ shì luó xī. hāi, hǎi lún. wǒ hěn bào qiàn wǒ chí dào le. jiāo tōng, nǐ zhī dào ma?
[00:22.56] yǒu nà me zāo gāo ma? wǒ hé nǐ yí yàng zhù zài lún dūn běi bù, wǒ shè fǎ zhǔn shí dào le. yě xǔ nǐ yīng gāi zǒu lìng yī tiáo lù, zhè yàng nǐ jiù bú huì zài chí dào le.
[00:34.80] zuó tiān nǐ yě chí dào le yì diǎn. hé zhī qián de nà yì tiān. wǒ kàn dào nǐ zhèng zài cān jiā yí gè zhòng yào huì yì. zhè shì bù hǎo de.
[00:44.94] wǒ zhī dào. lǎo bǎn bù gāo xìng, hòu lái bǎ wǒ jiào jìn le tā de bàn gōng shì. tā shuō tā yào bǎ shū rēng gěi wǒ.
[00:52.24] ó, nà jiù zāo gāo le. zhè shì fēi cháng zāo gāo de.
[00:56.34] shì de, tā shì. wǒ xiàn zài fēi cháng guān xīn. wǒ zhī dào wǒ yīng gāi gèng jiā xiǎo xīn.
[01:01.61] tā men shì fēi cháng dà de. nǐ jiàn guò tā fàng zài zhuō zi hòu miàn hēi àn de mù jià zi shàng de zhèi xiē dà bǎi kē quán shū ma?
[01:11.31] tā bù xǐ huān diàn zǐ shū, yě bù xǐ huān píng zhuāng shū. zhè gè rén xǐ huān hòu zhòng de pí miàn, fù gài chuán tǒng shū jí hé lǎo shōu cáng jiā de gǔ dǒng hé jiā jù.
[01:25.50] wǒ zhī dào tā xǐ huān gǔ dǒng, wǒ bù jiè yì.
[01:28.72] tā yào bǎ shū rēng gěi wǒ, hǎi lún. zuó tiān tā shuō de. tā tīng qǐ lái hěn shēng qì, hěn shēng qì, tā shuō,
[01:36.96] " luó xī, zhè zhǒng shì xiàn zài fā shēng de tài pín fán le." nǐ zǒng shì kāi huì chí dào, cān jiā jié mù, nǐ jīng cháng quē xí, wǒ yào bǎ shū rēng gěi nǐ.
[01:47.56] tā shì zhè me shuō de, hǎi lún.
[01:49.14] ó, shū tài zhòng le, nǐ kě néng huì shòu zhòng shāng. tā shì gè qiáng zhuàng de rén, yě xǔ tā hái huì rēng qí tā de dōng xī.
[01:58.22] ó, wǒ bù xǐ huān kàn dào tā shēng qì. tā shì gè hǎo lǎo bǎn, dàn tā pí qì hěn huài.
[02:04.98] zhè shì 19 shì jì wéi duō lì yà nǚ wáng de bàn shēn xiàng. zhè yě shì gǔ dǒng, rú guǒ nǐ rě tā shēng qì, tā shèn zhì huì bǎ bàn shēn xiàng rēng gěi nǐ.
[02:15.73] wéi duō lì yà nǚ wáng de pò chǎn ma? nǐ zài shuō shí mǒ?
[02:20.93] hǎi lún, zài yīng yǔ zhōng, xiàng mǒu rén rēng shū de yì sī shì duì wéi fǎn guī dìng de rén shī jiā zuì dà de chéng fá.
[02:29.70] zhè běn shū yīng gāi shì guī zhāng zhì dù de qīng dān, quán wēi rén shì shǐ yòng zhè gè biǎo dá. ràng wǒ men tīng yī xiē lì zi.
[02:40.40] qióng sī xiān shēng, wǒ tǎo yàn zài fǎ tíng shàng jiàn dào nǐ! rú guǒ nǐ bù tíng zhǐ tōu chē, wǒ jiù bǎ shū rēng gěi nǐ. nǐ jiāng miàn lín cháng qī jiān jìn.
[02:51.80] duì bù qǐ, fǎ guān. wǒ xiǎng wǒ yǐ jīng xī qǔ le jiào xùn, huì hǎo hǎo biǎo xiàn de.
[02:57.30] wǒ shì nǐ de lǎo shī. zhù yì wǒ shuō de huà. rú guǒ nǐ jì xù zài kǎo shì zhōng zuò bì, wǒ huì bǎ shū rēng gěi nǐ.
[03:06.61] ó, wǒ míng bái le. suǒ yǐ tā bú huì ná qǐ nà gè chén zhòng de dà yīng bǎi kē quán shū cháo nǐ de fāng xiàng rēng, shāng hài nǐ.
[03:16.47] dāng rán bú shì. tā kě néng huì gěi wǒ xiě yī fēng zhèng shì de xìn, kāi shǐ hé rén lì zī yuán bù jìn xíng jì lǜ chǔ fèn, zuì hòu kě néng huì jiě gù wǒ.
[03:26.37] dàn zhì shǎo nǐ bú huì shòu shāng, zhè běn shū huì bèi bǎo cún xià lái. nǐ zhī dào, wǒ xǐ huān nà běn shū.
[03:33.10] dāng wǒ hái shì gè hái zi de shí hòu, wǒ xǐ huān zài bǎi kē quán shū lǐ chá zhǎo dōng xī, tā men fēi cháng yǒu qù. nà shi zài hù lián wǎng rú cǐ pǔ jí zhī qián.
[03:42.23] tā de jiù shū zěn me le dōu wú suǒ wèi, hǎi lún. zhè shì yán zhòng de. tā kě néng bú huì shāng hài wǒ, dàn huì shāng hài wǒ de kǒu dài. méi yǒu gōng zuò, méi yǒu qián.
[03:53.80] hǎo ba, rú guǒ nǐ bù xiǎng ràng tā jiě gù nǐ, nà jiù mǎi kuài biǎo, bié zài chí dào le. zūn shǒu guī zé.
[04:00.57] wǒ bù xiǎng wǎn yì diǎn wán chéng jié mù. méi yǒu rén huì bǎ shū rēng gěi wǒ. zài jiàn.
[04:07.94] wǒ yào mǎi yí kuài xīn shǒu biǎo. xiè xiè nǐ de jiàn yì. zài jiàn.