
闭嘴! 歌词

歌曲 闭嘴!
歌手 英语听力
专辑 地道英语
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[00:03.30] No, come on. Don't do it. Don't do it.
[00:05.56] Li, she's an actress in a film, she can't hear you. And besides, it's rude to talk in the cinema.
[00:12.66] But it's just so frustrating. Don't go into the house. Don't do it. Oh, no. I can't watch.
[00:19.59] Li, shut up.
[00:21.51] I know, he has shut her up in that house and won't let her go. She's his prisoner now.
[00:29.16] No, Li. I was telling you to shut up. It's a rude way of saying "Be quiet."
[00:36.29] Excuse me, will you please shut up?
[00:39.51] I'm really sorry. Li, I can't take you anywhere.
[00:45.69] Oh well look, the film is over now, anyway. Sorry about the talking, but I just get a bit carried away.
[00:54.10] Well, I'm sorry I told you to shut up. It is quite a rude expression in English, but you just kept talking and wouldn't shut up.
[01:03.32] So can I tell someone to shut up when they're making noise?
[01:07.75] You can, but it's informal and can be rude. So, if you're in a formal context, you should say something like "Could you please be quiet?"
[01:18.40] OK, so in a meeting, if someone is speaking, I won't tell them to shut up. I'll say, "Could you please be quiet?"
[01:26.41] But if I'm really annoyed at one of my friends, I can tell them to shut up.
[01:31.29] Yes, although sometimes it's used when people are joking in English. Let's listen to some examples.
[01:38.67] I'm so tired. And thirsty. When are we going to get there? If only you'd drive a bit faster.
[01:45.52] Will you please shut up? I can't concentrate with your constant moaning.
[01:50.45] I look fat in this dress. It's so clingy.
[01:54.82] Oh shut up! You look great.
[01:58.19] I just read the whole book in an hour.
[02:01.12] Shut up. No one can read that quickly.
[02:04.66] So in that first example, we heard the expression "shut up" used in a serious way.
[02:11.20] But in the second and third examples, it doesn't mean we want someone to be quiet. It means, "I don't believe you" or "Don't be ridiculous."
[02:20.99] So when someone says something silly or ridiculous, we can say "shut up".
[02:26.81] And again, we only really do this with people we know well as it is informal. You hav been warned.
[02:34.89] Well, one thing's for sure, I'm never, and I mean never, going to the cinema with you again.
[02:42.87] Shut up. I don't believe you. You love going to the cinema with me. I always buy you popcorn.
[02:50.26] Shut up. I always get the popcorn.
[02:52.61] Oh, shut up.
[02:53.70] You shut up.
[02:54.77] No you shut up.
[00:03.30] 不,过来,别那样做,别那样做
[00:05.56] 李,她只是电影里的角色,可不能听到你的话,而且,在影院中讲话不免显得粗鲁了
[00:12.66] 但这太让人沮丧了,别进那间房子,不要这样做,噢不,我不愿意看了
[00:19.59] 李,闭嘴
[00:21.51] 我知道,他是想把她关进房子里,以免她逃出,她如今是他的囚犯了
[00:29.16] 不,李,我不是在说那个,我只是想告诉你闭嘴,这已经是一种很粗鲁的表达安静的方式
[00:36.29] 抱歉,请你闭嘴好吗?
[00:39.51] 我真的很抱歉,李,但我受不了你了
[00:45.69] 哦,看,电影已经结束了,无论如何,关于这次对话我要先跟你说一声抱歉,但我只是有些失去理智无法理喻而已
[00:54.10] 我很抱歉让你闭嘴,这毕竟是一个相当粗鲁的英文表达方式,但你老是开口而不愿闭嘴
[01:03.32] 所以我可以告诉别人在他们吵闹时说闭嘴吗?
[01:07.75] 当然,但这是非正式的表达方式且是非常粗鲁的行为,所以,如果你是在正式的场合,你应该说类似于“能否安静些?”的话
[01:18.40] 所以在正式场合上,若我看见有人在说话,我不能说“闭嘴”,而是“请问您能否安静些?'
[01:26.41] 但当我对我的一个朋友很生气时,我就会警告他们闭嘴
[01:31.29] 是的,偶尔当人们用英文开玩笑时也能使用,让我们听一些例子
[01:38.67] 我累极了,又口渴,我们什么时候到那儿?要是你能开快点就好了
[01:45.52] 你能闭嘴吗?你没完没了的呻吟让我无法集中精神
[01:50.45] 我穿这条裙子看起来太胖了,这条裙子太紧了
[01:54.82] 闭嘴,我才不信,你看起好极了
[01:58.19] 我仅用一小时就看完了整本书
[02:01.12] 闭嘴,我并不觉得有人能很快读懂其中含义
[02:04.66] 所以在第一个例子里,我们听到的”闭嘴“是被用来表达严肃的一种方法
[02:11.20] 但是在第二个和第三个例子里,这并不意味着我们希望有人安静,它的意思是”我才不相信你“或”别扯了“
[02:20.99] 所以当有人说一些愚蠢或者荒唐的话,我们就可以说”闭嘴“
[02:26.81] 再重复一遍,我们只能在和我们关系好的人一起做,因为这是非正式的
[02:34.89] 好的,有一件事是肯定的,我再也不,是的,我的意思是我永远也不和你去电影院了
[02:42.87] 闭嘴,我才不相信你呢,你喜欢和我一起去影院,我始终会买你的那份爆米花的
[02:50.26] 闭嘴,是我总是给你买爆米花
[02:52.61] 不,你给我闭嘴
[02:53.70] 是你闭嘴好吗
[02:54.77] 才不是,是你应该闭嘴
闭嘴! 歌词
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