
歌曲 迫切吞掉
歌手 英语听力
专辑 地道英语


[00:02.92] Hi Helen. I thought I would pop round to talk to you about today's Authentic Real English, but err, it looks like you're busy.
[00:10.14] What are all these police cars doing here?
[00:12.64] Quick, come in, shut the door, now this is very serious. There has been a murder.
[00:19.31] What?
[00:20.13] A murder. I know it's not very nice, but to be honest the police can't find any blood or a body. It's like a murder mystery.
[00:31.66] Hmm,a murder mystery,well we need to do our own investigation. So what exactly happened?
[00:38.20] Well, my friend came to see me this morning.
[00:41.10] I see.
[00:42.35] And we were having a nice chat when she said I could murder a coffee and then she disappeared and I haven't heard from her since.
[00:53.27] Right. Well Helen, I think you can relax, I think she's still alive and everything is ok.
[01:00.30] There's no murder?
[01:02.26] No murder. When people say they could murder something it's an informal way of saying they are starving or thirsty and are desperate to have something to eat or drink.
[01:12.28] But murder is a strong word.
[01:14.00] Yes. It stresses how desperate someone is for something. A direct translation would mean you are so desperate for something you would kill it.
[01:22.49] But in reality, we don't go that far.
[01:24.80] Thank goodness.
[01:26.50] Here are some more examples.
[01:28.74] It's been a really tough day at work, I could murder a beer or two, anyone want to join me at the pub?
[01:36.10] I'm starving, I could murder a curry.
[01:40.85] the English we speak
[01:44.25] It's amazing what people will commit murder for. But in reality when we would murder for something, we just have a desperate need for something.
[01:53.80] People also describe a situation or a feeling as murder, but again there is no killing involved. They are just trying to explain that something is bad or uncomfortable.
[02:04.12] So the word murder is also used to emphasise a bad situation or uncomfortable feeling. Such as Rob?
[02:11.98] Such as in these examples.
[02:14.35] Running a marathon is murder on my knees.
[02:18.70] I've been decorating all day and my back is murder.
[02:23.61] Don't go on the London underground during the rush hour, it's murder.
[02:28.57] the English we speak
[02:31.23] So by saying "it's murder" he means it's awful. It's terrible. Anyway Helen, now we know there's not been a real murder, I think we should tell these policemen to go home now.
[02:42.93] Good idea. Excuse me, there's been a terrible misunderstanding. There's not been a murder so you can all go home.
[02:52.33] Oh right. So we've been wasting our time then? But hold on, I think there might be another murder soon.
[03:00.10] Oh, why's that?
[03:02.37] Well, I could murder a cup of tea.
[03:05.42] Of course.
[03:08.45] I'll put the kettle on. Bye.
[03:10.60] Bye.
[03:12.30] Policeman: Milk, two sugars please!


[00:02.92] hāi hǎi lún. wǒ yǐ wéi wǒ huì wéi rào jīn tiān dí zhēn shí yīng yǔ lái yǔ nǐ tán tán, dàn shì, kàn qǐ lái nǐ hěn máng.
[00:10.14] zhèi xiē jǐng chē zài zhè lǐ zuò shí mǒ?
[00:12.64] kuài, jìn lái, guān shàng mén, xiàn zài zhè shì fēi cháng yán zhòng de. yǒu yī cì móu shā.
[00:19.31] shén me?
[00:20.13] móu shā. wǒ zhī dào zhè bú shì hěn hǎo, dàn shuō shí huà, jǐng fāng zhǎo bu dào rèn hé xuè yè huò shēn tǐ. zhè jiù xiàng yí gè móu shā zhī mí.
[00:31.66] , móu shā zhī mí, nà me wǒ men xū yào zuò wǒ men zì jǐ de diào chá. nà dào dǐ fā shēng le shén me?
[00:38.20] nà me, wǒ de péng yǒu jīn tiān zǎo shàng lái kàn wǒ.
[00:41.10] wǒ dǒng le.
[00:42.35] dāng tā shuō wǒ kě yǐ móu shā yī bēi kā fēi, rán hòu tā xiāo shī le, wǒ cóng cǐ méi yǒu shōu dào tā de xiāo xī, wǒ men zhèng zài liáo tiān.
[00:53.27] duì. hǎi lún, wǒ xiǎng nǐ kě yǐ fàng sōng, wǒ rèn wéi tā hái huó zhe, yī qiè dōu hǎo.
[01:00.30] méi yǒu móu shā?
[01:02.26] méi yǒu móu shā. dāng rén men shuō tā men kě yǐ móu shā mǒu zhǒng dōng xī shí, zhè shì yī zhǒng fēi zhèng shì de fāng shì, biǎo shì tā men jī è nán nài, kě wàng yǒu chī huò hē de dōng xī.
[01:12.28] dàn móu shā shì yí gè qiáng cí.
[01:14.00] shì. tā qiáng diào mǒu rén wéi le shén me ér jué wàng. zhí jiē fān yì yì wèi zhe nǐ duì yú huì shā sǐ tā de dōng xī gǎn dào jué wàng.
[01:22.49] dàn shí jì shang, wǒ men bìng méi yǒu zǒu dé tài yuǎn.
[01:24.80] xiè tiān xiè dì.
[01:26.50] zhè lǐ shì yī xiē gèng duō de lì zi.
[01:28.74] zhè shì yí gè fēi cháng jiān nán de gōng zuò rì, wǒ kě yǐ shā sǐ yī liǎng bēi pí jiǔ, rèn hé rén dōu xiǎng hé wǒ yì qǐ qù jiǔ bā?
[01:36.10] wǒ è sǐ le, wǒ kě yǐ móu shā yí gè gā lí.
[01:40.85] wǒ men shuō de yīng yǔ
[01:44.25] rén men wèi móu shā ér jīng rén. dàn shì shí shàng, dāng wǒ men wèi mǒu jiàn shì móu shā shí, wǒ men zhǐ shì jí xū yī xiē dōng xī.
[01:53.80] rén men hái jiāng qíng kuàng huò gǎn jué miáo shù wèi móu shā, dàn zài cì méi yǒu shè jí shā hài. tā men zhǐ shì shì tú jiě shì mǒu jiàn shì qíng bù hǎo huò bù shū fu.
[02:04.12] suǒ yǐ móu shā zhè gè cí yě bèi yòng lái qiáng diào bù hǎo de qíng kuàng huò bù shū fu de gǎn jué. bǐ rú luó bù?
[02:11.98] rú zài zhèi xiē lì zi zhōng.
[02:14.35] pǎo mǎ lā sōng shì zài wǒ de xī gài shang móu shā.
[02:18.70] wǒ yī zhěng tiān dū zài zhuāng xiū, bèi hòu shì móu shā.
[02:23.61] bú yào zài gāo fēng shí jiān zài lún dūn dì xià, zhè shì móu shā.
[02:28.57] wǒ men shuō de yīng yǔ
[02:31.23] suǒ yǐ tōng guò shuō" zhè shì móu shā", tā yì wèi zhe tā shì kě pà de. tā shì kě pà de. wú lùn rú hé, hǎi lún, xiàn zài wǒ men zhī dào méi yǒu zhēn zhèng de móu shā, wǒ xiǎng wǒ men yīng gāi gào sù zhèi xiē jǐng chá xiàn zài huí jiā.
[02:42.93] hǎo zhǔ yì. duì bù qǐ, yǒu yí gè kě pà de wù jiě. méi yǒu móu shā, suǒ yǐ nǐ men dōu kě yǐ huí jiā.
[02:52.33] a duì. nà wǒ men làng fèi shí jiān le? dàn jiān chí xià qù, wǒ xiǎng hěn kuài kě néng huì yǒu lìng yī chǎng móu shā.
[03:00.10] ó, wèi shí me ne?
[03:02.37] nà me, wǒ kě yǐ móu shā yī bēi chá.
[03:05.42] dāng rán.
[03:08.45] wǒ huì bǎ shuǐ hú fàng shàng. zài jiàn.
[03:10.60] zài jiàn.
[03:12.30] jǐng chá: niú nǎi, qǐng liǎng gè táng!