
歌曲 没有附带条件
歌手 英语听力
专辑 地道英语


[00:00.71] Hi Helen. Wow, what's that?
[00:02.40] It's a present for you, Chris.
[00:04.29] A present for me? Oh, that's very kind of you.
[00:07.43] Here you go.
[00:12.13] A new dictionary, how nice. That's such a lovely present, and it's not even my birthday.
[00:18.14] But hang on, why have you stuck all these pieces of string onto the book?
[00:23.47] There are strings to your present.
[00:25.54] I see. Do you mean there are certain conditions that come with this present?
[00:30.31] Yes, strings to your present.
[00:33.10] Ahh, you mean there are strings attached.
[00:36.39] I see, so it's an expression in English?
[00:39.22] That's right. Having strings attached doesn't actually mean you need to stick pieces of string on the book.
[00:44.64] You can just tell me what the conditions are.
[00:46.41] Oh, OK. Well, the conditions are that I can borrow your dictionary whenever I need to use it.
[00:52.51] That's absolutely fine. You can borrow it anytime.
[00:55.16] Great. Do you have any headphones I can use too? I want to listen to my mp3 player.
[01:01.74] Yes, here you go.
[01:04.52] Thanks. Are there any strings attached?
[01:07.94] No, you can use the headphones for as long as you like. No strings attached.
[01:12.49] Wonderful, thanks very much.
[01:15.80] Let's take a listen to some examples of how strings attached or no strings attached can be used.
[01:20.78] Make sure you read all of the contract before you sign it, there could be strings attached.
[01:27.73] We're giving away our brand new toy to the first 50 customers who visit our shop. No strings attached.
[01:34.90] So it can be a warning about whether there are restrictions to something or not.
[01:39.48] That's right. When something has strings attached, it often means there are hidden commitments and you should find out what they are.
[01:46.13] That's good to know. Is it just used when talking about money?
[01:49.54] It can often be used when talking about financial agreements or negotiations,
[01:53.86] but it can also be based on personal relationships too, like when you gave me the present. Here's another example.
[02:00.80] My brother said I could use his car this weekend, no strings attached.
[02:04.14] Really? That's a nice thing to do.
[02:06.71] Well, he does owe me a favour after I washed the car last week.
[02:10.34] So Helen, now that you've finished with your mp3 player, can I listen to it?
[02:15.60] You can, but there are strings attached.
[02:17.69] Oh, OK. What are they?
[02:19.53] My mp3 player has only got classical music on it.
[02:22.97] Oh no, I hate classical music.


[00:00.71] hāi. wa ó , zhè shì gè shà?
[00:02.40] gěi nǐ de lǐ wù a , kè lǐ sī
[00:04.29] gěi wǒ de lǐ wù ma? áo wū, nǐ zhēn hǎo
[00:07.43] nà , gěi nǐ
[00:12.13] yī běn xīn cí diǎn, duō bàng a. zhè kě zhēn shì gè tǎo rén huān xīn de xiǎo lǐ wù ne, shèn zhì zhè gè shēng rì hái bàng
[00:18.14] děng děng wèi shí me nǐ huì bǎ zhèi xiē xiǎo shéng zi zhān zài měi yè zhǐ shàng
[00:23.47] xiǎo shéng zi yě shì gěi nǐ de lǐ wù a
[00:25.54] wǒ dǒng le. nǐ shì shuō zhè dōu shì yǒu yù yì de lǐ wù
[00:30.31] shì de dài shéng zi de lǐ wù
[00:33.10] áng hā hā nǐ shì shuō zhè dōu shì fù shǔ tiáo jiàn
[00:36.39] wǒ dǒng le zhè shì yīng yǔ de yī zhǒng biǎo dá shì
[00:39.22] duì a, yǒu shéng zi bú shì zhēn de yì wèi zhe yào yòng shéng zi bǎ zhǐ dōu chuàn qǐ lái
[00:44.64] nǐ kě yǐ gào sù wǒ yǒu shén me tiáo jiàn le
[00:46.41] ō hǎo de . emmm tiáo jiàn shì wǒ suí shí kě yǐ jiè nǐ zhè běn cí diǎn lái yòng
[00:52.51] dāng rán kě yǐ nǐ suí shí dōu kě yǐ jiè
[00:55.16] shàn. nǐ yǒu wǒ yě néng yòng de ěr jī ma wǒ xiǎng tīng wǒ de mp3
[01:01.74] gěi nǐ
[01:04.52] xiè le hái yǒu bié de shén me fù jiā tiáo jiàn ma?
[01:07.94] méi le gē, ěr jī nǐ xiǎng yòng duō jiǔ jiù yòng duō jiǔ méi yǒu xiàn zhì tiáo jiàn
[01:12.49] shén shàn. xiè le hā
[01:15.80] ràng wǒ men lái tīng yī xiē guān yú zěn me yòng fù jiā tiáo jiàn de lì zi ba
[01:20.78] qiān zì qián què rèn nǐ yuè dú le suǒ yǒu hé tóng xìn xī, yīn wèi kě néng huì yǒu fù jiā tiáo jiàn
[01:27.73] wǒ men huì zèng sòng wǒ men yuè duì de xīn wán jù gěi qián wǔ shí gè guàng wǒ men shāng diàn de gù kè. méi yǒu fù jiā tiáo jiàn
[01:34.90] suǒ yǐ zhè jiù yǒu jǐng gào nǐ kě néng yǒu yī xiē xiàn zhì yīn sù de yì sī le
[01:39.48] shì a . dāng mǒu xiē shì qíng yǒu xiàn zhì tiáo jiàn de shí hòu jiù yì wèi zhe huì yǒu yǐn cáng de nǐ yào dá chéng de chéng nuò zhè jiù xū yào nǐ bǎ tā zhǎo chū lái le
[01:46.13] hěn hǎo lǐ jiě . tán lùn qián de shí hòu shì yòng ma?
[01:49.54] fù jiā tiáo jiàn huò xiàn zhì tiáo jiàn jīng cháng yòng zài cái wù xié yì hé tóng huò tán pàn zhōng
[01:53.86] dàn shì zhè yě shì jiàn lì zài sī rén guān xì de jī chǔ shàng de jiù bǐ rú dāng nǐ gěi wǒ lǐ wù de zhè jiàn shì. zài jǔ gè bié de lì zi
[02:00.80] wǒ gē shuō zhè zhōu mò wǒ kě yǐ yòng tā de chē, jiù méi yǒu fù jiā tiáo jiàn
[02:04.14] zhēn de ma? zhè bù cuò a
[02:06.71] wǒ shàng zhōu bǎ tā de chē xǐ le yī biàn nà wǒ yě jiù méi yǒu qiàn tā rén qíng le
[02:10.34] nà me hǎi lún xiǎo jiě jie. xiàn zài nǐ yǐ jīng bù tíng mp3 le, kě yǐ gěi wǒ tīng le ma
[02:15.60] dāng rán kě yǐ a dàn shì yǒu yí gè xiàn zhì tiáo jiàn ne
[02:17.69] ó hǎo a shì shén me ne?
[02:19.53] wǒ de mp3 lǐ miàn zhǐ yǒu gǔ diǎn yīn yuè
[02:22.97] tiān la lū wǒ tǎo yàn gǔ diǎn yīn yuè