
失灵了 歌词

歌曲 失灵了
歌手 英语听力
专辑 地道英语
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[00:00.28] Hello and welcome to The English We Speak. My name is Rob.
[00:04.14] And hello, my name is Helen.
[00:06.60] Hold on Helen, hold on. We can't hear you properly. I think your microphone is playing up.
[00:10.50] Playing up?
[00:11.23] Sorry, I didn't quite catch that.
[00:12.78] Let me just push this button. Oh There! Hello. Now, you said the microphone was playing up?
[00:19.84] That's right. It wasn't working properly. If something isn't working as it should be, we sometimes say it's playing up.
[00:26.28] Up – not down?
[00:28.19] Nope. Playing down is a different expression that means something totally different.
[00:32.64] OK. So as the picture on my TV at home is flickering, I can say my TV is playing up?
[00:39.57] Exactly. Let's hear about some other things that are playing up.
[00:44.95] I don't think I'll be able to give you a lift to work today, my car's been playing up.
[00:51.50] Oh,my phone keeps playing up. Every time I dial a number, it just switches itself off.
[01:00.88] That sounds like my phone! So if something isn't doing what is should do then it's misbehaving?
[01:07.46] Ha Ha! Well, you could say that. It's just like people. When they misbehave we can say they're playing up. Like this…
[01:15.30] Sorry but I'm going to be late. The children have been playing up and I've still got so much to do.
[01:22.46] BBC Learning English.
[01:25.79] Oh,children are very good at playing up;it's usually because they want attention.
[01:31.46] Now, Helen, could I have your attention now please .
[01:33.95] Because playing up is also something you can say to describe a part of your body that's not working properly.
[01:42.50] Ow! Ow! I'm going to have to lie down; my back's playing up again.
[01:51.31] Count me out of this weekend's football match; my leg's playing up so I need to rest it.
[01:57.81] So it seems playing up refers to anything that's not working or behaving as it should.
[02:03.80] Now Rob, my leg's also been playing up so I wonder if you could give me a lift home in your car?
[02:10.60] No way - oh it looks like my microphone's playing up now!
[02:14.11] No, Rob, it's you who's playing up - now switch it back on!
[02:17.87] Oh, Oh, OK. Then, Helen!
[02:20.15] Let's go then. Bye!
[02:21.78] Bye.
[00:00.28] Hello and welcome to The English We Speak. My name is Rob.
[00:04.14] And hello, my name is Helen.
[00:06.60] Hold on Helen, hold on. We can' t hear you properly. I think your microphone is playing up.
[00:10.50] Playing up?
[00:11.23] Sorry, I didn' t quite catch that.
[00:12.78] Let me just push this button. Oh There! Hello. Now, you said the microphone was playing up?
[00:19.84] That' s right. It wasn' t working properly. If something isn' t working as it should be, we sometimes say it' s playing up.
[00:26.28] Up not down?
[00:28.19] Nope. Playing down is a different expression that means something totally different.
[00:32.64] OK. So as the picture on my TV at home is flickering, I can say my TV is playing up?
[00:39.57] Exactly. Let' s hear about some other things that are playing up.
[00:44.95] I don' t think I' ll be able to give you a lift to work today, my car' s been playing up.
[00:51.50] Oh, my phone keeps playing up. Every time I dial a number, it just switches itself off.
[01:00.88] That sounds like my phone! So if something isn' t doing what is should do then it' s misbehaving?
[01:07.46] Ha Ha! Well, you could say that. It' s just like people. When they misbehave we can say they' re playing up. Like this
[01:15.30] Sorry but I' m going to be late. The children have been playing up and I' ve still got so much to do.
[01:22.46] BBC Learning English.
[01:25.79] Oh, children are very good at playing up it' s usually because they want attention.
[01:31.46] Now, Helen, could I have your attention now please .
[01:33.95] Because playing up is also something you can say to describe a part of your body that' s not working properly.
[01:42.50] Ow! Ow! I' m going to have to lie down my back' s playing up again.
[01:51.31] Count me out of this weekend' s football match my leg' s playing up so I need to rest it.
[01:57.81] So it seems playing up refers to anything that' s not working or behaving as it should.
[02:03.80] Now Rob, my leg' s also been playing up so I wonder if you could give me a lift home in your car?
[02:10.60] No way oh it looks like my microphone' s playing up now!
[02:14.11] No, Rob, it' s you who' s playing up now switch it back on!
[02:17.87] Oh, Oh, OK. Then, Helen!
[02:20.15] Let' s go then. Bye!
[02:21.78] Bye.
[00:00.28] Hello and welcome to The English We Speak. My name is Rob.
[00:04.14] And hello, my name is Helen.
[00:06.60] Hold on Helen, hold on. We can' t hear you properly. I think your microphone is playing up.
[00:10.50] Playing up?
[00:11.23] Sorry, I didn' t quite catch that.
[00:12.78] Let me just push this button. Oh There! Hello. Now, you said the microphone was playing up?
[00:19.84] That' s right. It wasn' t working properly. If something isn' t working as it should be, we sometimes say it' s playing up.
[00:26.28] Up not down?
[00:28.19] Nope. Playing down is a different expression that means something totally different.
[00:32.64] OK. So as the picture on my TV at home is flickering, I can say my TV is playing up?
[00:39.57] Exactly. Let' s hear about some other things that are playing up.
[00:44.95] I don' t think I' ll be able to give you a lift to work today, my car' s been playing up.
[00:51.50] Oh, my phone keeps playing up. Every time I dial a number, it just switches itself off.
[01:00.88] That sounds like my phone! So if something isn' t doing what is should do then it' s misbehaving?
[01:07.46] Ha Ha! Well, you could say that. It' s just like people. When they misbehave we can say they' re playing up. Like this
[01:15.30] Sorry but I' m going to be late. The children have been playing up and I' ve still got so much to do.
[01:22.46] BBC Learning English.
[01:25.79] Oh, children are very good at playing up it' s usually because they want attention.
[01:31.46] Now, Helen, could I have your attention now please .
[01:33.95] Because playing up is also something you can say to describe a part of your body that' s not working properly.
[01:42.50] Ow! Ow! I' m going to have to lie down my back' s playing up again.
[01:51.31] Count me out of this weekend' s football match my leg' s playing up so I need to rest it.
[01:57.81] So it seems playing up refers to anything that' s not working or behaving as it should.
[02:03.80] Now Rob, my leg' s also been playing up so I wonder if you could give me a lift home in your car?
[02:10.60] No way oh it looks like my microphone' s playing up now!
[02:14.11] No, Rob, it' s you who' s playing up now switch it back on!
[02:17.87] Oh, Oh, OK. Then, Helen!
[02:20.15] Let' s go then. Bye!
[02:21.78] Bye.
[00:00.28] 哈喽,欢迎收听《一起说英语》,我的名字叫萝卜
[00:04.14] 哈喽,我是海伦
[00:06.60] 等一等,海伦,等等,我们听不太清楚你的声音,我觉得你的麦克风失灵了。
[00:10.50] 失灵了?
[00:11.23] 抱歉,我听不太清楚你说了什么
[00:12.78] 等一下,让我按下这个按钮就好了,就是这个~哈喽,你刚才说麦克风“ Playing up” ?
[00:19.84] 对,你的麦克风不工作了,如果某个东西不按照它应当运作的方式进行,我们就说它 ”Playing up “了,即失灵了,失控了的意思。
[00:26.28] 向上,而不是向下吗?
[00:28.19] 不,” Playing down" 是另外的表达,它有着完全不一样的含义
[00:32.64] 好吧,所以当我的电视屏幕一闪一闪的,我可以说我的电视坏掉了?
[00:39.57] 当然,让我们来听一些关于失灵了的其它例子吧。
[00:44.95] 我今天好像不能开车送你去上班了,我的车坏掉了。
[00:51.50] 噢,我的手机失灵了,每次我拨号时,它就会自动关机。
[01:00.88] 听起来和我的手机差不多,所以,当某个东西不按照其运作方式运行时,就被称为失灵了?
[01:07.46] 哈哈,好吧,也可以这么说,就像人一样,当他们作出不合理的行为时,我们就可以说他们“ Playing up ” 了,像这样....
[01:15.30] 抱歉,我可能要迟到了,我的孩子总是搞破坏,所以我还得收拾残局很久
[01:22.46] BBC英语学习
[01:25.79] 是的,小孩子很擅长搞破坏,他们这样做常常是想吸引我们的注意力
[01:31.46] 现在,海伦,请你全神贯注的听我说了好吗?
[01:33.95] 因为你也可以用“Playing up”来形容你身体的某个部位不太舒服
[01:42.50] 我去!我得躺着才行,我的背又开始痛了。
[01:51.31] 把我从这周末的足球比赛中剔除吧,我的腿受伤了,所以我只能把这次比赛放弃了
[01:57.81] 所以,似乎“Playing up”可以被用于任何不正常运作,表现的事物上
[02:03.80] 现在,萝卜,我的腿好像有点疼,所以我想问你今晚可以开车载我回家吗?
[02:10.60] 没门儿,噢,我的麦克风好像失灵了
[02:14.11] 不,萝卜,是你想耍赖了,现在,快恢复正常吧
[02:17.87] 噢噢,好的,走吧,海伦
[02:20.15] 我们走了,拜拜
[02:21.78] 拜~
失灵了 歌词
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