
歌曲 局促不安,难为情
歌手 英语听力
专辑 地道英语


[00:00.41] Hi, I'm Neil and this is Helen.
[00:02.72] Hello.
[00:04.18] What's wrong Helen? You're looking rather sheepish.
[00:07.70] Sheepish? Like a sheep? I know my jumper is quite woolly.
[00:18.72] No, I don't mean you look like a sheep. I mean you look sheepish, which is quite different.
[00:24.13] Of course, looking like a sheep and looking sheepish are two totally different things, obviously.
[00:30.96] Yes. If I say you look like a sheep, it means, well, you look like a sheep.
[00:39.48] But if I say you look sheepish, it means you look embarrassed or ashamed about something.
[00:45.96] To look sheepish means you look embarrassed or ashamed, like you've done something wrong or silly?
[00:53.80] Yes.
[00:54.78] Ah, yes.
[00:56.37] Listen to some examples.
[00:58.16] Tom walked into the room looking sheepish.
[01:01.50] Emily grinned sheepishly as she closed the door behind her.
[01:04.59] James gave her a sheepish look.
[01:07.46] So, come on Helen, why are you looking sheepish today?
[01:11.89] Ah, well.
[01:13.92] Yes?
[01:15.71] Well, you know that book you lent me?
[01:19.51] You mean my favourite book of all time, the original edition of The Private lives of the Greatest Cats in History?
[01:28.45] Yes.
[01:30.26] OK Helen, now you're looking very sheepish indeed, so you'd better hurry up and tell me what happened to it.
[01:37.89] I dropped it.
[01:40.38] You dropped it? Well I hope it's not damaged, otherwise I'll have to...
[01:46.54] In the river.
[01:48.35] In the river. You dropped it in the river.
[01:51.42] It was carried away, I couldn't get it out.
[01:54.50] Oh no.
[01:56.30] I'm so sorry. That's why I am looking sheepish.
[02:00.73] You should be looking even more sheepish than that. In fact, I expect you to look sheepish for several days.
[02:07.26] It was the best book in the world! "Sheepish" doesn't do it justice...


[00:00.41] hāi, wǒ shì Neil, zhè shì Helen.
[00:02.72] nǐ men hǎo!
[00:04.18] Helen, nǐ zěn me le? nǐ kàn qǐ lái hěn sheepish.
[00:07.70] Sheepish? xiàng yì zhī mián yáng? wǒ de wài tào dào què shí xiàng yáng máo yí yàng róu ruǎn.
[00:18.72] bù, wǒ bú shì shuō nǐ kàn qǐ lái xiàng yì zhī mián yáng, wǒ shì shuō nǐ kàn qǐ lái hěn sheepish, zhè shì bù yí yàng de.
[00:24.13] nà shi dāng rán a, hěn míng xiǎn kàn qǐ lái xiàng yì zhī mián yáng hé kàn qǐ lái hěn sheepish wán quán shì liǎng mǎ shì ma.
[00:30.96] shì de, rú guǒ wǒ shuō nǐ kàn lái xiàng yì zhī mián yáng, nà yì sī jiù shì, nǐ kàn qǐ lái, jiù xiàng yì zhī mián yáng.
[00:39.48] dàn shì, rú guǒ wǒ shuō nǐ kàn qǐ lái hěn sheepish, yì sī jiù shì, nǐ kàn qǐ lái hěn jú cù bù ān, hěn nán wéi qíng.
[00:45.96] kàn qǐ lái hěn sheepish, yì sī jiù shì, kàn qǐ lái hěn jú cù bù ān, hěn nán wéi qíng, hǎo bǐ nǐ zuò le cuò shì huò chǔn shì?
[00:53.80] shì de.
[00:54.78] ó, hǎo ba.
[00:56.37] lái tīng jǐ gè lì zi.
[00:58.16] Tom jú cù bù ān dì zǒu jìn fáng jiān.
[01:01.50] Emily nán wéi qíng dì xiào zhe guān shàng le shēn hòu de mén.
[01:04.59] James xiū qiè dì kàn zhe tā.
[01:07.46] suǒ yǐ, Helen, nǐ jīn tiān wèi shí me zhè me jú cù bù ān ne?
[01:11.89] nà gè
[01:13.92] shén me?
[01:15.71] nǐ hái jì de nǐ jiè gěi wǒ de nà běn shū ma?
[01:19.51] nǐ shì zhǐ wǒ zuì xǐ ài de nà běn yuán bǎn de lì shǐ shàng zuì wěi dà de māo de sī shēng huó?
[01:28.45] shì de.
[01:30.26] hǎo ba, Helen, nǐ xiàn zài kàn qǐ lái kě zhēn de shì jiǒng pò jí le, nǐ zuì hǎo gǎn kuài gào sù wǒ nà běn shū zěn me le.
[01:37.89] nà běn shū diào le.
[01:40.38] diào le? hǎo ba, xī wàng tā méi sǔn huài, fǒu zé, wǒ dé
[01:46.54] diào hé lǐ le.
[01:48.35] diào hé lǐ le? nǐ bǎ tā diào hé lǐ le?!
[01:51.42] tā bèi chōng zǒu le, wǒ méi fǎ lāo qǐ tā.
[01:54.50] bù!
[01:56.30] duì bù qǐ! suǒ yǐ wǒ cái zhè me bù ān.
[02:00.73] nǐ gāi wèi cǐ gèng jiā bù ān, shì shí shàng, wǒ xī wàng bù ān hǎo jǐ tiān!
[02:07.26] nà shi shì jiè shang zuì bàng de shū! sheepish yě bù néng zhǎo huí lái de