
歌曲 流氓暴徒
歌手 英语听力
专辑 地道英语


[00:00.44] Hello and welcome to The English We Speak. My name is Callum Robertson.
[00:04.66] And I'm Yang Li.
[00:06.17] Come 'ere then! Oi! Come on then! Want a fight? Who are ya?
[00:10.99] Oh, Callum! Who are all those horrible men that I can hear on my headphones?
[00:15.40] Well, Li, they are yobs.
[00:17.56] Yobs?
[00:19.11] Yes, yobs. Yob is our phrase for today. It's an informal word that refers to a man who is loud and rude and possibly rather violent.
[00:30.26] Oh, that sounds like you!
[00:32.57] What are you talking about, sounds like me? What do you mean? Are you asking for a fight?
[00:36.90] No, no, no! But do you see what I mean? You sound like a yob.
[00:41.95] Hmm, yes, OK. Sorry about that.
[00:46.60] Hmm, anyway, I chose this word because as many people will know the UK recently experienced some violence on the streets of London and other cities.
[00:57.99] 'Yob' is a word that the British press used to describe the rioters.
[01:04.43] Let's hear some real headlines from some British newspapers
[01:08.27] UK riots: 11 councils to evict 'riot yobs'.
[01:12.78] Ken Clarke blames 'feral' yobs.
[01:15.46] 600 riot yobs left DNA on windows.
[01:19.20] Riot yobs filmed attacking cop cars.
[01:22.84] Riot yobs can't hide.
[01:25.17] UK riots: young yobs back on streets despite David Cameron's pledge.
[01:30.73] Ah, I'm not sure I remember seeing this word yob on the BBC news site.
[01:36.88] Well, no. It's a very negative and judgemental word. The BBC tends to avoid this kind of language in its news stories.
[01:45.41] But this is a piece of British slang that is very common in the UK.
[01:50.60] And we also sometimes use the word yobbo.
[01:53.24] Yobbo. Hmm, but where do all these words come from?
[01:58.29] Well, interestingly, what we have here is an example of backslang.
[02:02.52] If you read the word yob backwards, what do you get?
[02:07.73] Hmm, B.O.Y., boy.
[02:10.97] Exactly. And that's what the word used to mean, but now it refers to a rude and violent man, often a young man but not always.
[02:20.80] Listen Callum, I'm sorry about earlier. I don't really think you are a yob. You are a gentleman.
[02:26.78] Oh, thanks Li.
[02:28.26] But in any case you know if we were to get in a fight I would beat you. So don't you try that again!
[02:35.66] OK.


[00:00.44] dà jiā hǎo, huān yíng shōu tīng dì dào yīng yǔ jié mù. wǒ jiào Callum Robertson.
[00:04.66] wǒ shì yáng lì.
[00:06.17] lái ba! wèi! lái ba! xiǎng yào dǎ jià? nǐ shì shuí?
[00:10.99] ó, Callum! wǒ zài ěr jī shàng tīng dào nèi xiē kě pà de rén shì shuí?
[00:15.40] lì, tā men shì shè huì dú liú.
[00:17.56] shè huì dú liú?
[00:19.11] shì de, shè huì dú liú. Yob shì wǒ men jīn tiān de duǎn yǔ. zhè shì yí gè fēi zhèng shì de cí, zhǐ de shì yí gè shēng yīn hóng liàng cū lǔ kě néng xiāng dāng bào lì de rén.
[00:30.26] ó, tīng qǐ lái xiàng nǐ!
[00:32.57] nǐ zài shuō shí mǒ, tīng qǐ lái xiàng wǒ ma? nǐ shì shén me yì sī? nǐ xiǎng dǎ jià ma?
[00:36.90] bù, bù, bù! dàn shì nǐ míng bái wǒ de yì sī ma? nǐ tīng qǐ lái xiàng gè xiǎo wú lài.
[00:41.95] ... hǎo ba. hěn bào qiàn.
[00:46.60] , bù guǎn zěn me shuō, wǒ zhī suǒ yǐ xuǎn zé zhè gè cí, shì yīn wèi hěn duō rén dōu zhī dào, yīng guó zuì jìn zài lún dūn hé qí tā chéng shì de jiē dào shàng jīng lì le yī xiē bào lì shì jiàn.
[00:57.99] ' Yob' shì yīng guó méi tǐ yòng lái xíng róng bào tú de yí gè cí.
[01:04.43] ràng wǒ men lái tīng yī xiē yīng guó bào zhǐ de tóu tiáo xīn wén
[01:08.27] yīng guó bào luàn: 11 gè yì huì qū zhú' bào dòng bào tú'.
[01:12.78] kěn kè lā kè zhǐ zé" yě rén".
[01:15.46] 600 míng bào tú zài chuāng hù shàng liú xià le DNA.
[01:19.20] bào tú men pāi shè le xí jī jǐng chē de shì pín.
[01:22.84] shè huì dú liú wú fǎ yǐn cáng.
[01:25.17] yīng guó bào dòng: jǐn guǎn dài wéi kǎ méi lóng zuò chū chéng nuò, dàn nián qīng de bào tú men huí dào le jiē tóu.
[01:30.73] a, wǒ bù què dìng wǒ shì fǒu jì de zài BBC xīn wén wǎng zhàn shàng kàn dào zhè gè cí.
[01:36.88] , shì de. zhè shì yí gè fēi cháng fù miàn dí píng pàn xìng de cí. BBC qīng xiàng yú zài xīn wén bào dào zhōng bì miǎn shǐ yòng zhè zhǒng yǔ yán.
[01:45.41] dàn zhè shì yí gè zài yīng guó hěn cháng jiàn de yīng guó lǐ yǔ.
[01:50.60] ér qiě wǒ men yǒu shí yě huì shǐ yòng Yobbo zhè gè cí.
[01:53.24] Yobbo. , dàn shì zhèi xiē cí lái zì nǎ lǐ?
[01:58.29] yǒu qù de shì, wǒ men kě yǐ bǎ lǐ yǔ fǎn guò lái.
[02:02.52] rú guǒ nǐ fǎn guò lái dú yob zhè gè cí, nǐ huì de dào shén me?
[02:07.73] , B. O. Y. nán hái.
[02:10.97] wán quán zhèng què. zhè jiù shì zhè gè cí guò qù de yì sī, dàn xiàn zài tā zhǐ de shì cū lǔ hé bào lì de rén, tōng cháng shì nián qīng rén, dàn bìng bù zǒng shì.
[02:20.80] tīng zhe, Callum, wǒ duì zhī qián de shì gǎn dào bào qiàn. wǒ zhēn de bù rèn wéi nǐ shì yí gè yob. nǐ shì yí gè shēn shì.
[02:26.78] ó, xiè xiè.
[02:28.26] dàn wú lùn rú hé, nǐ zhī dào rú guǒ wǒ men dǎ qǐ jià lái, wǒ huì zòu nǐ de. suǒ yǐ bié zài shì yī cì!
[02:35.66] méi wèn tí.