
歌曲 别灰心!
歌手 英语听力
专辑 地道英语


[00:00.60] So, how are you feeling, Vera?
[00:03.30] Oh Thank you for visiting me here in hospital, Rob.
[00:08.16] I feel awful. Oh my leg is broken, my chin is bruised and my pride is hurt. I had a silly fall while I was skiing over the weekend.
[00:22.58] Oh, bad luck, really. But your leg will heal and your bruises will disappear soon, Vera. There will be no sign of them in a few weeks' time.
[00:32.53] Yes, I know Rob. But now I'm in pain. I'm in pain.
[00:38.70] Oh oh but you'll get better, Vera. Just keep your chin up.
[00:42.70] Keep my chin up?
[00:44.84] Keep my chin up might be a new form of treatment. Rob has always been very knowledgeable of these alternative medicines and treatments.
[00:55.88] Perhaps it is good for circulation.
[00:59.47] Is it good for circulation, Rob?
[01:02.19] No Vera, it doesn't help your circulation! Keep your chin up but well, what are you doing? That's not what I mean.
[01:10.63] It's not what you mean?! My chin is up now. Isn't it high enough? Will it help my bruises disappear, Rob?
[01:20.18] Not really. But it will make you feel better, Vera.
[01:23.15] How come, Rob?
[01:24.34] In English, when we tell someone to keep their chin up, we are telling them to stay positive in a tough situation.
[01:31.71] Let's listen to some examples.
[01:35.24] When young people say it is difficult to earn a living nowadays, I tell them to work hard, keep their chin up and they will go places.
[01:42.40] I've just had an argument with my husband. My daughter said she wants to leave school and my cat ran away.
[01:47.84] I feel like crying. Sometimes it's hard to keep my chin up.
[01:54.50] Ah, I've got it. When you want to tell someone to remain positive in a tough situation, you say "keep your chin up" That's a relief, Rob.
[02:06.32] My chin was feeling even more painful than it was before.
[02:10.71] Well, you can relax now. And next time you go to some slope for some skiing make sure you stay on the nursery slopes.
[02:19.48] Nursery? But that's where children do their skiing. That's for kids.
[02:24.59] No, not just for kids, Vera, for beginners too. Anyway, don't be angry. Keep your chin up.
[02:31.90] With a lot of training, one day you'll be a great skier.
[02:34.59] Yes, maybe you are right. If I keep my chin up and train a lot, one day I will be a great skier.
[02:43.87] Good. Well, bye for now.
[02:46.14] Bye.


[00:00.60] nà me, nǐ gǎn jué rú hé, Vera?
[00:03.30] ó, xiè xiè nǐ lái yī yuàn kàn wǒ, Rob.
[00:08.16] wǒ gǎn jué zāo tòu le. zhōu mò huá xuě shí wǒ huá dǎo le, wǒ de tuǐ shuāi duàn le, wǒ de xià bā yū shāng, wǒ de jiāo ào yě shòu dào le shāng hài.
[00:22.58] ó, nà què shí shì hěn bù xìng. dàn nǐ de tuǐ huì yù hé, nǐ de yū shāng hěn kuài jiù huì xiāo shī, Vera. jǐ zhōu zhī hòu, huì méi yǒu rèn hé hén jī.
[00:32.53] wǒ zhī dào de, Rob. dàn xiàn zài wǒ hěn tòng kǔ. wǒ hěn tòng kǔ.
[00:38.70] dàn nǐ huì hǎo qǐ lái de, Vera. zhǐ yào tái qǐ nǐ de xià bā.
[00:42.70] bǎo chí wǒ de xià bā shàng yáng?
[00:44.84] bǎo chí xià bā shàng yáng kě néng shì yī zhǒng xīn de zhì liáo xíng shì. Rob yī zhí fēi cháng shú xī zhèi xiē tì dài yào wù hé zhì liáo fāng fǎ.
[00:55.88] yě xǔ zhè duì xuè yè xún huán hěn yǒu hǎo chù.
[00:59.47] zhè duì xuè yè xún huán yǒu hǎo chù ma? Rob?
[01:02.19] méi yǒu, Vera, tā bù lì yú nǐ de xuè yè xún huán! bǎo chí nǐ de xià bā tái qǐ, dàn shì, nǐ zài zuò shí mǒ? zhè bú shì wǒ de yì sī.
[01:10.63] zhè bú shì nǐ de yì sī?! wǒ de xià bā xiàn zài yǐ jīng tái qǐ lái le. zhè bù gòu gāo ma? tā huì bāng zhù wǒ de yū shāng xiāo shī ma, Rob?
[01:20.18] bú shì zhēn de. dàn tā huì ràng nǐ gǎn jué hǎo yì diǎn, Vera
[01:23.15] Rob, shén me yì sī ne?
[01:24.34] zài yīng yǔ zhōng, dāng wǒ men gào sù mǒu rén tái qǐ xià bā shí, yì sī shì gào sù tā men zài kùn nán de qíng kuàng xià bǎo chí jī jí tài dù.
[01:31.71] ràng wǒ men lái tīng yī xiē lì zi.
[01:35.24] dāng nián qīng rén shuō xiàn zài hěn nán móu shēng shí, wǒ gào sù tā men nǔ lì gōng zuò, tái qǐ xià bā, tā men huì qù de dì fāng.
[01:42.40] wǒ gāng gāng hé wǒ zhàng fū fā shēng le zhēng zhí. wǒ de nǚ ér shuō tā xiǎng lí kāi xué xiào, wǒ de māo pǎo diào le.
[01:47.84] wǒ xiǎng kū. yǒu shí hěn nán tái qǐ xià bā.
[01:54.50] a, wǒ zhī dào le. dāng nǐ xiǎng gào sù mǒu rén zài kùn nán de qíng kuàng xià bǎo chí jī jí de tài dù shí, nǐ huì shuō" tái qǐ xià bā", zhè shì yī zhǒng ān wèi, R ob.
[02:06.32] wǒ de xià bā gǎn jué bǐ yǐ qián gèng téng le.
[02:10.71] nà me, nǐ xiàn zài kě yǐ fàng sōng yī xià. xià yī cì nǐ qù yī xiē huá xuě chǎng shí, yí dìng yào dài zài xīn shǒu pō shàng.
[02:19.48] xīn shǒu pō? dàn zhè jiù shì hái zi men huá xuě de dì fāng. zhè shì gěi hái zi men de.
[02:24.59] bù, bù jǐn shì yòng yú hái zi, Vera. yě shì hé chū xué zhě. wú lùn rú hé, bú yào shēng qì. tái qǐ nǐ de xià bā.
[02:31.90] jīng guò dà liàng de xùn liàn, yǒu yì tiān nǐ huì chéng wéi yī míng chū sè de huá xuě zhě.
[02:34.59] hǎo ba, yě xǔ nǐ shì duì de. rú guǒ wǒ tái qǐ xià bā, bìng xùn liàn hěn duō, yǒu yì tiān wǒ huì chéng wéi yī míng yōu xiù de huá xuě zhě.
[02:43.87] hǎo. nà me, gāi shuō zài jiàn le.
[02:46.14] zài jiàn