
要有行动 歌词

歌曲 要有行动
歌手 英语听力
专辑 地道英语
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[00:03.81] Hi, I'm Rosie, and this is Li…
[00:06.94] Li? Hurry up. Look, here's the karaoke bar.
[00:10.54] Ahhh. Rosie, why is the bar on the top floor? So many stairs. Help me please. I'm so unfit.
[00:22.49] I need to start doing more exercise. I'm going to join the gym tomorrow.
[00:30.29] Tomorrow? Why don't you join the gym today?
[00:33.96] I'll join it tomorrow and then I'll go every single day. I will. I really will.
[00:42.18] Li, you've been saying that for months but you never actually do it!
[00:47.55] This time I will, I promise.
[00:52.24] That's what you always say. You need to put your money where your mouth is.
[00:57.37] You want me to put my money where my mouth is?
[01:00.94] You want me to eat my coins and banknotes? That's disgusting.
[01:06.80] No, Li, that's not what I meant.
[01:09.34] To put your money where your mouth is means to stop just talking about something and to take action.
[01:15.74] Ah, so you didn't really want me to put all these coins in my mouth?
[01:21.49] No, please don't. I want you to stop talking about joining the gym, and to join it for real.
[01:28.80] Here are some more examples.
[01:29.34] If we played a game of tennis I would easily win.
[01:34.19] Why don't you put your money where your mouth is? I challenge you to a game.
[01:39.69] So to put your money where your mouth is means to support your words with actions?
[01:46.55] Yes.
[01:47.90] so you'd say you’re one of those people who puts their money where their mouth is?
[01:51.97] Definitely.
[01:53.50] That's interesting actually. So the other day you were saying that you love singing, and here we are in a karaoke bar.
[02:02.23] Well yes but, I'm really terrible actually. And some of our colleagues are here, how embarrassing.
[02:08.72] No excuses. Put your money where your mouth is and sing a karaoke song.
[02:14.96] Oh, do I have to? OK. Here we go.
[02:20.00] Near far wherever you are .I believe that the heart does go on.
[02:37.88] Maybe just maybe, sometimes it's best not to put your money where your mouth is.
[00:03.81] Hi, I' m Rosie, and this is Li
[00:06.94] Li? Hurry up. Look, here' s the karaoke bar.
[00:10.54] Ahhh. Rosie, why is the bar on the top floor? So many stairs. Help me please. I' m so unfit.
[00:22.49] I need to start doing more exercise. I' m going to join the gym tomorrow.
[00:30.29] Tomorrow? Why don' t you join the gym today?
[00:33.96] I' ll join it tomorrow and then I' ll go every single day. I will. I really will.
[00:42.18] Li, you' ve been saying that for months but you never actually do it!
[00:47.55] This time I will, I promise.
[00:52.24] That' s what you always say. You need to put your money where your mouth is.
[00:57.37] You want me to put my money where my mouth is?
[01:00.94] You want me to eat my coins and banknotes? That' s disgusting.
[01:06.80] No, Li, that' s not what I meant.
[01:09.34] To put your money where your mouth is means to stop just talking about something and to take action.
[01:15.74] Ah, so you didn' t really want me to put all these coins in my mouth?
[01:21.49] No, please don' t. I want you to stop talking about joining the gym, and to join it for real.
[01:28.80] Here are some more examples.
[01:29.34] If we played a game of tennis I would easily win.
[01:34.19] Why don' t you put your money where your mouth is? I challenge you to a game.
[01:39.69] So to put your money where your mouth is means to support your words with actions?
[01:46.55] Yes.
[01:47.90] so you' d say you' re one of those people who puts their money where their mouth is?
[01:51.97] Definitely.
[01:53.50] That' s interesting actually. So the other day you were saying that you love singing, and here we are in a karaoke bar.
[02:02.23] Well yes but, I' m really terrible actually. And some of our colleagues are here, how embarrassing.
[02:08.72] No excuses. Put your money where your mouth is and sing a karaoke song.
[02:14.96] Oh, do I have to? OK. Here we go.
[02:20.00] Near far wherever you are . I believe that the heart does go on.
[02:37.88] Maybe just maybe, sometimes it' s best not to put your money where your mouth is.
[00:03.81] Hi, I' m Rosie, and this is Li
[00:06.94] Li? Hurry up. Look, here' s the karaoke bar.
[00:10.54] Ahhh. Rosie, why is the bar on the top floor? So many stairs. Help me please. I' m so unfit.
[00:22.49] I need to start doing more exercise. I' m going to join the gym tomorrow.
[00:30.29] Tomorrow? Why don' t you join the gym today?
[00:33.96] I' ll join it tomorrow and then I' ll go every single day. I will. I really will.
[00:42.18] Li, you' ve been saying that for months but you never actually do it!
[00:47.55] This time I will, I promise.
[00:52.24] That' s what you always say. You need to put your money where your mouth is.
[00:57.37] You want me to put my money where my mouth is?
[01:00.94] You want me to eat my coins and banknotes? That' s disgusting.
[01:06.80] No, Li, that' s not what I meant.
[01:09.34] To put your money where your mouth is means to stop just talking about something and to take action.
[01:15.74] Ah, so you didn' t really want me to put all these coins in my mouth?
[01:21.49] No, please don' t. I want you to stop talking about joining the gym, and to join it for real.
[01:28.80] Here are some more examples.
[01:29.34] If we played a game of tennis I would easily win.
[01:34.19] Why don' t you put your money where your mouth is? I challenge you to a game.
[01:39.69] So to put your money where your mouth is means to support your words with actions?
[01:46.55] Yes.
[01:47.90] so you' d say you' re one of those people who puts their money where their mouth is?
[01:51.97] Definitely.
[01:53.50] That' s interesting actually. So the other day you were saying that you love singing, and here we are in a karaoke bar.
[02:02.23] Well yes but, I' m really terrible actually. And some of our colleagues are here, how embarrassing.
[02:08.72] No excuses. Put your money where your mouth is and sing a karaoke song.
[02:14.96] Oh, do I have to? OK. Here we go.
[02:20.00] Near far wherever you are . I believe that the heart does go on.
[02:37.88] Maybe just maybe, sometimes it' s best not to put your money where your mouth is.
[00:03.81] 大家好,我是Rosie,这位是Li...
[00:06.94] Li?你倒是快点呀,快看,这儿就是卡拉OK吧台了。
[00:10.54] 天啊Rosie,为什么吧台在最高层啊?太多阶梯了,快救救我吧,我要不行了。
[00:22.49] 我需要开始多做些运动了,明天我就去健身房。
[00:30.29] 明天?为什么不今天就去呢?
[00:33.96] 明天我就去,并且接下来的每一天我都会去,我是说真的!
[00:42.18] Li啊,你已经这样说了几个月了但从没付出过行动!
[00:47.55] 这次我一定会,我发誓。
[00:52.24] 这也是你常说的。你需要把钱放进嘴巴里(付出实际行动)。
[00:57.37] 啥?你要让我把钱放进嘴巴里?
[01:00.94] 你要我吃掉我的硬币跟存折吗,这太恶心了。
[01:06.80] 不是的,Li,我并不是这个意思。
[01:09.34] “把钱放进你的嘴巴里“意思是让你去付出实际行动而不是只是说说而已。
[01:15.74] 啊,所以你不是真的想让我把硬币塞我嘴里是吧?
[01:21.49] 不,请别那么做。我只想让你别再口头上说去健身房,而是真的去。
[01:28.80] 这儿还有几个例子。
[01:29.34] 如果我们打一场网球赛我一定会轻松拿到胜利。
[01:34.19] 你为什么不把钱塞进你嘴巴里(付出实际行动)呢?我向你发起挑战。
[01:39.69] 所以说把”钱放进你嘴巴里“意思是 雷声大 雨点小 吗?
[01:46.55] 是的。
[01:47.90] 所以你想说你是一个”把钱塞自己嘴巴里的人“了?
[01:51.97] 那当然。
[01:53.50] 哈哈这真有趣。前几天你说你很喜欢唱歌,所以现在我们就来到卡拉OK吧了。
[02:02.23] 好吧是的,但是其实我唱歌非常难听。而且我有些同事也在这儿,太尴尬了。
[02:08.72] 别找借口了。快”把钱塞进你嘴巴里“唱首歌吧。
[02:14.96] 啊,我一定要唱吗呜呜。那好吧我要开始了。
[02:20.00] 歌词~
[02:37.88] 也许我是说也许,有时候我们不需要”把钱塞进我们嘴巴里“。
要有行动 歌词
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