
歌曲 发疯/情绪失控
歌手 英语听力
专辑 地道英语


[00:01.20] Hi and welcome to another edition of The English We Speak. Today I'm joined by Neil, who seems to be a bit agitated.
[00:10.70] Ah, sorry Li. I'm really, really excited.
[00:13.99] Actually, I haven't even got a script for the programme. I don't need a script. I don't need anything! I'm rich beyond my wildest dreams.
[00:23.26] Oh, that's nice. How come that you've got rich all of a sudden?
[00:27.98] A Mercedes Benz and a Porsche. And then a boat, then a yacht. A big one!
[00:34.53] Neil, what happened? You are going bananas.
[00:38.49] Bananas? No cheap old fruit for me any more, caviar, champagne, lobster and…
[00:47.60] I'm not offering you bananas. You are not listening. I'm saying that you have gone bananas!
[00:53.44] Sorry Li. I'm very excited because I won the lottery.
[00:59.79] You know, this week they've got this big jackpot to offer and I got all the numbers right.
[01:06.84] Good on you.
[01:09.23] "To go bananas" has nothing to do with food, as you know.
[01:13.41] It's an expression in English we use when we are so excited that we act almost out of control.
[01:19.88] It is a very odd expression. We'd better let people know how it is used.
[01:25.00] Good idea.
[01:26.35] Let me write my shopping list while we listen to some examples of the use of this expression that has nothing to do with the actual fruit.
[01:34.92] Here they are.
[01:36.17] I'm so happy that I finally got my promotion. Yesterday I went bananas.
[01:41.13] I ended up running around the office, hugging and kissing my boss and every single co-worker.
[01:47.13] They probably thought I was mad.
[01:49.40] After the team scored its fourth goal in the final the fans went bananas and started to shout and jump up and down.
[01:57.79] So "to go bananas" is not an expression about food but about behaviour.
[02:03.14] It means to behave in a very over-enthusiastic way, like you've gone crazy, an explosion of happiness.
[02:10.77] That's true. All this excitement has made me want to go out shopping too.
[02:16.26] I'll get myself a toy boat to play with in my bathtub and down the park, in the lake.
[02:24.64] And then I'm going to the zoo.
[02:26.69] The zoo? Why the zoo?
[02:28.33] Because All this conversation about bananas made me keen to watch the monkeys.
[02:33.55] I might give them some very big, shiny and tasty bananas, bright yellow, the colour of gold.
[02:40.24] The colour of gold. The most beautiful colour there is. Golden bananas, the monkeys might even think that they've won the jackpot too.
[02:54.79] Goodbye.
[02:55.78] Goodbye.


[00:01.20] Hi and welcome to another edition of The English We Speak. Today I' m joined by Neil, who seems to be a bit agitated.
[00:10.70] Ah, sorry Li. I' m really, really excited.
[00:13.99] Actually, I haven' t even got a script for the programme. I don' t need a script. I don' t need anything! I' m rich beyond my wildest dreams.
[00:23.26] Oh, that' s nice. How come that you' ve got rich all of a sudden?
[00:27.98] A Mercedes Benz and a Porsche. And then a boat, then a yacht. A big one!
[00:34.53] Neil, what happened? You are going bananas.
[00:38.49] Bananas? No cheap old fruit for me any more, caviar, champagne, lobster and
[00:47.60] I' m not offering you bananas. You are not listening. I' m saying that you have gone bananas!
[00:53.44] Sorry Li. I' m very excited because I won the lottery.
[00:59.79] You know, this week they' ve got this big jackpot to offer and I got all the numbers right.
[01:06.84] Good on you.
[01:09.23] " To go bananas" has nothing to do with food, as you know.
[01:13.41] It' s an expression in English we use when we are so excited that we act almost out of control.
[01:19.88] It is a very odd expression. We' d better let people know how it is used.
[01:25.00] Good idea.
[01:26.35] Let me write my shopping list while we listen to some examples of the use of this expression that has nothing to do with the actual fruit.
[01:34.92] Here they are.
[01:36.17] I' m so happy that I finally got my promotion. Yesterday I went bananas.
[01:41.13] I ended up running around the office, hugging and kissing my boss and every single coworker.
[01:47.13] They probably thought I was mad.
[01:49.40] After the team scored its fourth goal in the final the fans went bananas and started to shout and jump up and down.
[01:57.79] So " to go bananas" is not an expression about food but about behaviour.
[02:03.14] It means to behave in a very overenthusiastic way, like you' ve gone crazy, an explosion of happiness.
[02:10.77] That' s true. All this excitement has made me want to go out shopping too.
[02:16.26] I' ll get myself a toy boat to play with in my bathtub and down the park, in the lake.
[02:24.64] And then I' m going to the zoo.
[02:26.69] The zoo? Why the zoo?
[02:28.33] Because All this conversation about bananas made me keen to watch the monkeys.
[02:33.55] I might give them some very big, shiny and tasty bananas, bright yellow, the colour of gold.
[02:40.24] The colour of gold. The most beautiful colour there is. Golden bananas, the monkeys might even think that they' ve won the jackpot too.
[02:54.79] Goodbye.
[02:55.78] Goodbye.


[00:01.20] Li: huān yíng lái dào BBC wǒ men shuō yīng yǔ. jīn tiān wǒ hé Neil yì qǐ, tā kàn qǐ lái yǒu diǎn jī dòng.
[00:10.70] Neil: é, bào qiàn, Li, wǒ shí zài shì tài jī dòng le.
[00:13.99] Neil: shì shí shàng, wǒ shèn zhì hái méi yǒu ná dào jié mù dì jué běn, wǒ bù xū yào tā. wǒ shén me dōu bù xū yào! wǒ fù dé lián wǒ zì jǐ dōu bù xiāng xìn le.
[00:23.26] Li: ó, nà tài hǎo le. nà me nǐ shì rú hé yī yè bào fù de ne?
[00:27.98] Neil: wǒ yào mǎi yī liàng bēn chí, yī liàng bǎo shí jié. rán hòu zài mǎi yī sōu chuán, mǎi yī sōu yóu tǐng, yào dà!
[00:34.53] Li: Neil, fā shēng le shén me? nǐ fēng le me?
[00:38.49] Neil: xiāng jiāo? wǒ yǐ jīng bù xiǎng yào zhèi xiē pián yí de shuǐ guǒ le. wǒ yào yú zǐ jiàng, xiāng bīn, lóng xiā hé
[00:47.60] Li: wǒ méi yǒu shuō yào gěi nǐ xiāng jiāo. nǐ méi yǒu rèn zhēn tīng. wǒ shuō de shì nǐ fēng le!
[00:53.44] Neil: bào qiàn Li. yīn wèi wǒ zhōng le cǎi piào, suǒ yǐ wǒ fēi cháng de xīng fèn chàng le qǐ lái.
[00:59.79] Neil: nǐ zhī dào de, zhè zhōu tā men gōng bù le tóu děng jiǎng, wǒ zhōng le suǒ yǒu shù zì.
[01:06.84] Li: hěn gāo xìng tīng dào zhè gè xiāo xī
[01:09.23] Neil: zhèng rú nǐ suǒ liǎo jiě de," To go bananas" yǔ shí wù méi yǒu rèn hé guān xì.
[01:13.41] Neil: dāng wǒ men jī dòng dào biǎo xiàn shī kòng de shí hòu cháng yòng zhè gè yīng yǔ de biǎo shù lái miáo shù wǒ men de zhuàng tài.
[01:19.88] Li: zhè shì yí gè hěn gǔ guài de biǎo shù. wǒ men zuì hǎo ràng dà jiā zhī dào tā shì zěn me shǐ yòng de.
[01:25.00] Neil: hǎo zhǔ yì.
[01:26.35] Neil: ràng wǒ men lái tīng yī xià zhè gè yǔ shuǐ guǒ méi yǒu rèn hé guān xì de duǎn yǔ de shǐ yòng lì zi, wǒ kě yǐ shùn biàn xiě yī xià wǒ de gòu wù qīng dān.
[01:34.92] Neil: xià miàn shì lì zi
[01:36.17] Li: wǒ hěn gāo xìng yīn wèi wǒ zhōng yú shēng zhí le, zuó tiān wǒ dōu yào fā fēng le.
[01:41.13] Li: wǒ zài bàn gōng shì lǐ miàn pǎo lái pǎo qù, yōng bào qīn wěn wǒ de lǎo bǎn hé měi yí gè tóng shì,
[01:47.13] Li: tā men huò xǔ rèn wéi wǒ fēng le.
[01:49.40] Neil: dāng zhè gè qiú duì zài jué sài zhōng tī jìn dì sì gè qiú yǐ hòu, fěn sī men fēng kuáng le bìng kāi shǐ dà hǒu bìng shàng cuān xià tiào.
[01:57.79] Neil: suǒ yǐ" to go bananas" bìng bú shì yí gè guān yú shuǐ guǒ de biǎo shù ér shì yǒu guān yú xíng wéi de.
[02:03.14] Neil: tā de yì sī shì xíng wéi guò yú rè qíng. jiù xiàng fā fēng le yí yàng, shì yī gǔ xìng fú de bào fā.
[02:10.77] Li: duì. suǒ yǒu de jī dòng de shì qíng yǐ jīng ràng wǒ yě xiǎng qù gòu wù le.
[02:16.26] Li: wǒ yào mǎi yī sōu wán jù chuán zài wǒ de yù gāng lǐ miàn wán, zài gōng yuán lǐ miàn dí hú lǐ wán.
[02:24.64] Li: rán hòu wǒ xiǎng qù dòng wù yuán.
[02:26.69] Neil: dòng wù yuán? wèi shí me xiǎng qù dòng wù yuán?
[02:28.33] Li: yīn wèi suǒ yǒu de duì huà dōu shì wéi rào zhe xiāng jiāo, zhè shǐ wǒ shí fēn xiǎng qù kàn hóu zi.
[02:33.55] Li: wǒ yào wèi tā men chī yī xiē fēi cháng dà de, sè cǎi xiān yàn bìng qiě měi wèi de xiāng jiāo, liàng huáng sè, huáng jīn de yán sè.
[02:40.24] Neil: huáng jīn de yán sè. zhè shì zuì piào liàng de yán sè. jīn huáng sè de xiāng jiāo, guài jiào, hóu zi men huò xǔ huì rèn wéi tā men yě zhōng le cǎi piào. guài jiào x2
[02:54.79] Li: zài jiàn.
[02:55.78] Neil: zài jiàn.