
简直是个玩笑 歌词

歌曲 简直是个玩笑
歌手 英语听力
专辑 地道英语
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[00:00.74] Hello and welcome to The English We Speak from BBC Learning English, I'm Helen. With me today is quite a frustrated-looking Neil.
[00:09.84] Neil, what are you doing to that mobile phone?
[00:12.84] Argh, I can't get it to make a phone call.
[00:16.75] It does everything else. It takes photos, it connects to the Internet, it even irons my shirts but it won't make a call.
[00:25.80] Your mobile phone irons your shirts?
[00:27.89] No, not really, but honestly it does everything apart from the one thing I want it to do, make a phone call. It's a joke.
[00:38.10] A joke? But you're not laughing. It can't be a very funny joke.
[00:42.69] Well if you say something is a joke in English it can also mean that it's not very good or not worthy of respect.
[00:49.83] Yes, "joke" has a second meaning.
[00:53.92] The investigation into police corruption was a complete joke. Everyone knows the officers were taking money but they were let off.
[01:01.99] The weather forecast was a total joke. It said it would be warm and sunny but it's freezing and raining.
[01:10.22] As you heard there in the example, the person described an investigation into police corruption as a joke.
[01:17.64] This doesn't mean it was funny. It means it wasn't serious. Also the weather forecast was so bad it was described as a joke.
[01:27.52] Notice that you can add words before "joke" to make the meaning even stronger. It's a complete joke.
[01:34.31] A complete joke.
[01:36.60] It's a total joke.
[01:37.55] A total joke.
[01:38.87] It's an absolute joke.
[01:41.37] Anyway Neil, why don't you just read the instructions for your new mobile phone? Then you'll probably be able to work out how to make a call.
[01:49.67] I looked at the instructions but they're an absolute joke.
[01:52.86] Oh really?
[01:53.78] Well for a start they are in about 17 languages apart from English.
[01:58.33] What a joke!
[01:59.34] Yeah I know.
[02:00.60] Well we've heard lots of jokes in today's programme but there hasn't been much laughing.
[02:04.73] Argh, what a useless piece of.
[02:07.74] Let's hope Neil finally works out how to use his phone.
[02:11.66] Argh, this is beyond a joke, it really is.
[02:14.56] Join us again for The English We Speak.
[02:17.80] Argh, mobiles…
[00:00.74] Hello and welcome to The English We Speak from BBC Learning English, I' m Helen. With me today is quite a frustratedlooking Neil.
[00:09.84] Neil, what are you doing to that mobile phone?
[00:12.84] Argh, I can' t get it to make a phone call.
[00:16.75] It does everything else. It takes photos, it connects to the Internet, it even irons my shirts but it won' t make a call.
[00:25.80] Your mobile phone irons your shirts?
[00:27.89] No, not really, but honestly it does everything apart from the one thing I want it to do, make a phone call. It' s a joke.
[00:38.10] A joke? But you' re not laughing. It can' t be a very funny joke.
[00:42.69] Well if you say something is a joke in English it can also mean that it' s not very good or not worthy of respect.
[00:49.83] Yes, " joke" has a second meaning.
[00:53.92] The investigation into police corruption was a complete joke. Everyone knows the officers were taking money but they were let off.
[01:01.99] The weather forecast was a total joke. It said it would be warm and sunny but it' s freezing and raining.
[01:10.22] As you heard there in the example, the person described an investigation into police corruption as a joke.
[01:17.64] This doesn' t mean it was funny. It means it wasn' t serious. Also the weather forecast was so bad it was described as a joke.
[01:27.52] Notice that you can add words before " joke" to make the meaning even stronger. It' s a complete joke.
[01:34.31] A complete joke.
[01:36.60] It' s a total joke.
[01:37.55] A total joke.
[01:38.87] It' s an absolute joke.
[01:41.37] Anyway Neil, why don' t you just read the instructions for your new mobile phone? Then you' ll probably be able to work out how to make a call.
[01:49.67] I looked at the instructions but they' re an absolute joke.
[01:52.86] Oh really?
[01:53.78] Well for a start they are in about 17 languages apart from English.
[01:58.33] What a joke!
[01:59.34] Yeah I know.
[02:00.60] Well we' ve heard lots of jokes in today' s programme but there hasn' t been much laughing.
[02:04.73] Argh, what a useless piece of.
[02:07.74] Let' s hope Neil finally works out how to use his phone.
[02:11.66] Argh, this is beyond a joke, it really is.
[02:14.56] Join us again for The English We Speak.
[02:17.80] Argh, mobiles
[00:00.74] Hello and welcome to The English We Speak from BBC Learning English, I' m Helen. With me today is quite a frustratedlooking Neil.
[00:09.84] Neil, what are you doing to that mobile phone?
[00:12.84] Argh, I can' t get it to make a phone call.
[00:16.75] It does everything else. It takes photos, it connects to the Internet, it even irons my shirts but it won' t make a call.
[00:25.80] Your mobile phone irons your shirts?
[00:27.89] No, not really, but honestly it does everything apart from the one thing I want it to do, make a phone call. It' s a joke.
[00:38.10] A joke? But you' re not laughing. It can' t be a very funny joke.
[00:42.69] Well if you say something is a joke in English it can also mean that it' s not very good or not worthy of respect.
[00:49.83] Yes, " joke" has a second meaning.
[00:53.92] The investigation into police corruption was a complete joke. Everyone knows the officers were taking money but they were let off.
[01:01.99] The weather forecast was a total joke. It said it would be warm and sunny but it' s freezing and raining.
[01:10.22] As you heard there in the example, the person described an investigation into police corruption as a joke.
[01:17.64] This doesn' t mean it was funny. It means it wasn' t serious. Also the weather forecast was so bad it was described as a joke.
[01:27.52] Notice that you can add words before " joke" to make the meaning even stronger. It' s a complete joke.
[01:34.31] A complete joke.
[01:36.60] It' s a total joke.
[01:37.55] A total joke.
[01:38.87] It' s an absolute joke.
[01:41.37] Anyway Neil, why don' t you just read the instructions for your new mobile phone? Then you' ll probably be able to work out how to make a call.
[01:49.67] I looked at the instructions but they' re an absolute joke.
[01:52.86] Oh really?
[01:53.78] Well for a start they are in about 17 languages apart from English.
[01:58.33] What a joke!
[01:59.34] Yeah I know.
[02:00.60] Well we' ve heard lots of jokes in today' s programme but there hasn' t been much laughing.
[02:04.73] Argh, what a useless piece of.
[02:07.74] Let' s hope Neil finally works out how to use his phone.
[02:11.66] Argh, this is beyond a joke, it really is.
[02:14.56] Join us again for The English We Speak.
[02:17.80] Argh, mobiles
[00:00.74] 大家好,欢迎来到英国广播公司英语学习班,我是海伦。今天尼尔看起来很沮丧。
[00:09.84] 尼尔,你拿那部手机干什么?
[00:12.84] 啊,我不能打电话
[00:16.75] 它其他的什么都能做。它拍照,连接到互联网,甚至熨我的衬衫,但它不会打电话。
[00:25.80] 你的手机熨衬衫?
[00:27.89] 不,不是真的,但老实说,除了我想做的事,它做任何事情,打个电话。这是个玩笑。
[00:38.10] 一个笑话吗?可是我看不到你脸上有任何笑容,这个玩笑肯定不好笑
[00:42.69] 当我们说某件事情是一个玩笑时,实际是想表达这件事处理非常不当。
[00:49.83] 是的,joke有其他的意思
[00:53.92] 对警察腐败的调查完全是个笑话。大家都知道警察在拿钱,但他们被放过了。
[01:01.99] .天气预报完全是个笑话。它说天气温暖而晴朗,但又冷又下雨
[01:10.22] 正如你在这个例子中听到的那样,这个人描述了这件对警察腐败的调查简直是个笑话
[01:17.64] 这并不是说这件事情很好笑,实际意思是没人在彻底调查,根本就不起作用。另外天气预报根本就不准,所以被形容为 a joke.
[01:27.52] 注意,你可以在“笑话”之前加上单词,使意思更强烈。这完全是个笑话。
[01:34.31] 这完全是个玩笑
[01:36.60] 这简直是在开玩笑
[01:37.55] 开玩笑!
[01:38.87] 这绝对是个玩笑
[01:41.37] 不管怎样,尼尔,你为什么不看一下你的新手机的说明书呢?然后你可能会知道如何打电话。
[01:49.67] 我看了说明书,但完全是个笑话
[01:52.86] 噢 真的吗
[01:53.78] 首先,除了英语外,他们的语言大约有17种。
[01:58.33] 开什么玩笑
[01:59.34] 是的我明白
[02:00.60] 我们今天听到了不少玩笑但他们并不好笑
[02:04.73] 噢 真没用
[02:07.74] 希望尼尔最后能搞清楚怎样用他的手机
[02:11.66] 这不是玩笑,这是真的
[02:14.56] 加入我们下期再会
[02:17.80] 噢 电话。。。
简直是个玩笑 歌词
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