
歌曲 扰乱
歌手 英语听力
专辑 地道英语


[00:00.42] Hi, I'm Jennifer and I'm on the lookout for Helen. Someone said they saw her going into the basement earlier.
[00:07.59] Oh wait, there she is, with a tool kit?
[00:12.91] What on earth are you doing? There are pipes all over the floor.
[00:17.42] Oh hi Jen! I'm quite busy down here trying to fix these pipes.
[00:22.73] Fix the pipes? But you're not a plumber, you don't know anything about pipes.
[00:27.29] I know, but the boss asked me to try and fix them.
[00:30.41] Really? Are you sure that's what he said? It seems strange he'd ask you to turn your hand to plumbing.
[00:36.31] I knew you'd say that, so I printed off his email to show you.
[00:40.74] Look, it says "About the project, someone has thrown a spanner into the works, and I'd like you to sort it out."
[00:49.60] But Helen.
[00:50.56] So I'm looking for the spanner in the works.
[00:53.60] Oh Helen, you shouldn't take it literally.
[00:55.70] In English, if someone throws a spanner into the works, it means they do something to spoil a plan or make it more complicated.
[01:03.58] Oh, a spanner in the works. So there isn't a real spanner in here.
[01:09.53] I don't think so. Let's hear some examples to help explain the phrase.
[01:14.19] The budget cuts have thrown a real spanner in the works for the future of the project.
[01:18.94] This hospital appointment on the 15th has thrown a real spanner in the works for our holiday. We'll have to come back early.
[01:27.50] So this is a phrase we can use to describe something which has gone wrong.
[01:32.96] The boss said that someone had thrown a spanner in the works of our project.
[01:37.71] He means that something has happened that will make the project more complicated.
[01:42.19] Perhaps you should talk to him to find out what the problem is before you start taking the building to pieces.
[01:48.52] You're right. So I suppose we'd better clear up some of this mess. But I can't remember where all the pipes go.
[01:56.33] Oh no. Well let's just try and fit them in as best we can.
[02:01.45] Some time later.
[02:03.42] Well the pipes are all in, but nothing's working. We're going to be in so much trouble.
[02:09.82] We're not defeated yet. Stand back.
[02:13.28] Helen, what are you doing with that huge spanner?
[02:17.11] I'm throwing it into the works. It works. I did it.
[02:25.63] You did, with a real life spanner in the works.


[00:00.42] hi wǒ shì Jennifer wǒ zài zhǎo Helen yǒu rén gào sù wǒ tā qù le dì xià shì
[00:07.59] děng děng nà bù jiù shì tā ma zěn me ná zhe yí gè gōng jù xiāng
[00:12.91] nǐ jiū jìng zài gàn shén me nòng de dì shàng dào chù dōu shì guǎn zǐ
[00:17.42] oh hi Jen! wǒ zhèng máng zhe xiū lǐ zhèi xiē guǎn zǐ ne
[00:22.73] xiū lǐ shuǐ guǎn? nǐ yòu bú shì gè shuǐ guǎn gōng, nǐ dǒng gè shà lei
[00:27.29] huà shì zhè me shuō dàn wǒ de lǎo bǎn yāo qiú wǒ qù xiū xiū tā men
[00:30.41] shà? nǐ méi tīng cuò ba? méi dào lǐ ya tā yào nǐ qù bǎi nòng zhe xiū guǎn zǐ
[00:36.31] wǒ jiù zhī dào nǐ de zhè me shuō zhè bù wǒ bǎ tā gěi wǒ de yóu jiàn dǎ yìn le xià lái gěi nǐ kàn kàn
[00:40.74] nǐ kàn guān yú zhè gè xiàng mù yǒu rén zài gōng zuò zhōng rēng jìn le yí gè bān shǒu wǒ xiǎng nǐ qù gǎo dìng tā
[00:49.60] bú shì de helen
[00:50.56] suǒ yǐ wǒ zài zhǎo nèi xiē bān shǒu
[00:53.60] oh helen nǐ bù néng zhǐ kàn tā zì miàn yì sī
[00:55.70] zài yīng yǔ zhōng rú guǒ shuō mǒu zhe rén zài gōng zuò zhōng rén jìn le yí gè bān shǒu yì sī jiù shì tā men huǐ diào le yí gè jì huà huò zhě ràng shì qíng biàn de jí shǒu
[01:03.58] oh gōng zuò zhōng de bān shǒu jiù shì shuō bìng méi yǒu shà bān shǒu
[01:09.53] nà shi de ya wǒ men lái jǔ xiē lì zi jiě shì zhè gè xí yǔ
[01:14.19] xuē jiǎn yù suàn ràng zhè gè xiàng mù zài yǐ hòu de jìn chéng zhōng biàn de yǒu xiē jí shǒu
[01:18.94] wǒ men de jià qī bèi yī yuàn zài 15 hào de yù yuē huǐ le zhè xià de zǎo diǎn huí lái le
[01:27.50] suǒ yǐ wǒ men kě yǐ yòng zhè gè xí yǔ miáo shù yī xiē bù shùn lì de shì qíng
[01:32.96] lǎo bǎn shuō yǒu rén zài wǒ men de xiàng mù zhōng rēng le gè bān shǒu
[01:37.71] yì sī jiù shì fā shēng le shén me shì ràng zhè gè xiàng mù biàn de jí shǒu le
[01:42.19] huò xǔ zài nǐ fān biàn le zhěng dòng lóu zhī qián nǐ yīng gāi gēn tā hǎo hǎo tán tán zhǎo dào wèn tí
[01:48.52] yǒu dào li nà wǒ men xiān bǎ zhèi xiē luàn qī bā zāo de guǎn zǐ fàng huí qù ba bù guò wǒ hǎo xiàng bìng bù jì de zěn me zǔ zhuāng le
[01:56.33] yūn nà jiù xiān shì shì ba néng zhuāng chéng shà suàn shà
[02:01.45] bù yī huì ér
[02:03.42] xiàn zài guǎn zǐ shì zhuāng huí qù le kě zǎ bù néng yòng a wǒ men zhè xià sǐ dìng le
[02:09.82] hái méi wán ne zhàn yī biān qù
[02:13.28] helen nǐ ná zhe nà me dà de bān shǒu shì yào zuò shà
[02:17.11] wǒ yào bǎ tā rēng dào zhèi xiē guǎn zǐ lǐ hey qǐ zuò yòng le wǒ bàn dào le
[02:25.63] niú pí zhēn de bǎ yí gè bān shǒu rēng dào le gōng zuò lǐ