
情况开始好转 歌词

歌曲 情况开始好转
歌手 英语听力
专辑 地道英语
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[00:00.46] C: Hi, I'm Chris, and welcome to The English We Speak.
[00:03.79] C: It's a nice day here in London, so I've come outside to meet Helen.
[00:07.97] C: Ah, there she is.
[00:09.51] C: Helen, how are you?
[00:11.32] H: I'm fine thanks.
[00:14.16] C: What are you doing? What are you looking at?
[00:18.40] H: I'm looking up.
[00:20.43] C: Right. But I can't see anything.
[00:25.35] H: Neither can I.
[00:27.53] C: Have you seen an aeroplane or something?
[00:30.57] H: Not sure.
[00:31.86] C: Maybe a bird?
[00:34.22] H: Well, apparently things are looking up.
[00:37.61] C: Things are looking up?
[00:39.69] H: Yes, Rosie told me that the weather has been sunny for the last three days, so things are looking up.
[00:46.00] H: I thought I'd come and see for myself.
[00:49.02] H: But there's not much going on to be honest.
[00:52.72] C: Ah, I think you've misunderstood.
[00:55.65] C: Rosie didn't mean there are things up in the sky.
[00:59.14] H: Really? What do you mean?
[01:01.18] C: It's an expression.
[01:02.72] C: You use the phrase "things are looking up" when you want to suggest that conditions are getting better or more positive.
[01:09.23] H: Oh, right.
[01:11.04] C: Here are some examples.
[01:12.90] Examples: My wife and I both found great new jobs last month, so things are looking up.
[01:19.45] Things are finally looking up now that he's recovered from his illness.
[01:24.67] H: So when Rosie told me that things were looking up, she meant that the weather has been getting better at the moment.
[01:31.70] C: Yes, she's suggesting that it looks like the weather in general is improving.
[01:36.51] C: So what do you think?
[01:38.12] C: Do you think the weather is getting better?
[01:40.77] H: So far, yes, yesterday was really hot.
[01:43.18] H: I hope it lasts for the weekend.
[01:45.21] H: But if things get worse, would you say, "things are looking down"?
[01:50.29] C: Not really.
[01:51.07] C: Instead, you could say, "It's taken a turn for the worse".
[01:54.98] H: It's taken a turn for the worse.
[01:57.80] H: That's a useful phrase.
[01:59.58] C: Oh, but hang on.
[02:01.30] C: Look at that black cloud in the sky.
[02:03.32] C: It looks like it might rain after all.
[02:05.90] C: That's typical English weather.
[02:08.03] H: Oh great. Things really have taken a turn for the worse.
[02:12.82] H: Quick, let's get back to the office before it rains.
[02:15.82] C: Let's go!
[02:16.85] C: Do join us again for another edition of The English We Speak and visit our website, bbclearningenglish.com.
[02:22.77] C: Bye.
[02:23.14] H: Bye.
[00:00.46] C:你好,我是克里斯,欢迎来到我们说英语。
[00:03.79] C:伦敦的天气真好,所以我到外面去见海伦。
[00:07.97] C:啊,她在那儿。
[00:09.51] C:海伦,你好吗?
[00:11.32] H:我很好,谢谢。
[00:14.16] C:你在干什么?你在看什么?
[00:18.40] H:我正在抬头看天。
[00:20.43] C:对。但我什么也看不见。
[00:25.35] H:我也不能。
[00:27.53] C:你看到飞机或是别的什么了吗?
[00:30.57] H:不确定。
[00:31.86] C:也许是只鸟?
[00:34.22] H:嗯,显然情况正在好转。
[00:37.61] C:情况正在好转吗?
[00:39.69] H:是的,罗茜告诉我过去三天天气一直晴朗,所以一切都在好转。
[00:46.00] H:我想我会亲自来看一看。
[00:49.02] H:但老实说,没有多少进展。
[00:52.72] C:啊,我想你误会了。
[00:55.65] C:罗茜并不是说天上有东西。
[00:59.14] H:真的吗?什么意思?
[01:01.18] C:这是一个表达式。
[01:02.72] C:当你想表明情况正在好转或更积极时,你会用到“事情正在好转”这个短语。
[01:09.23] H:哦,确实。
[01:11.04] C:这里有一些例子。
[01:12.90] 例如:上个月,我和妻子都找到了新工作,所以情况好转了。
[01:19.45] 他病痊愈了,情况终于好转了。
[01:24.67] H:所以当罗茜告诉我事情正在好转的时候,她是说现在天气已经好转了。
[01:31.70] C:是的,她在暗示天气好像在好转。
[01:36.51] C:那你觉得怎么样?
[01:38.12] C:你认为天气在变好吗?
[01:40.77] H:到目前为止,是的,昨天真的很热。
[01:43.18] H:我希望它能持续到周末。
[01:45.21] H:但如果情况变得更糟,你会说,“情况正在好转吗?”
[01:50.29] C:不见得。
[01:51.07] C:相反,你可以说,“情况变得更糟了”。
[01:54.98] H:情况变得更糟了。
[01:57.80] H:那是个有用的短语。
[01:59.58] C:哦,但是等一下。
[02:01.30] C:看着天上的乌云。
[02:03.32] C:天好像要下雨了。
[02:05.90] C:那是典型的英国天气。
[02:08.03] H:哦,太好了。事情确实变得更糟了。
[02:12.82] H:快,让我们在下雨前回到办公室。
[02:15.82] C:我们走吧!
[02:16.85] C:再加入我们的另一个版本的我们所说的英语和访问我们的网站。
[02:22.77] C:再见。
[02:23.14] H:再见。
情况开始好转 歌词
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