第一章 迎接外宾 1.2

歌曲 第一章 迎接外宾 1.2
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BEC会话脱口说


1.2 Conversation
A: How can I help you?
B: Yes, I am James Mason from Anderson and Associates Limited. I would like to see Mr. Smith.
A: Do you have an appointment?
B: Yes, he knows I'm coming. Our meeting is set for 2 o'clock.
A:I wonder if Mr. Smith forgot your meeting. I am afraid he left this office this morning and is not expected back until 4 p.m. Let me find out if he made arrangements for someone else to meet with you in his place. Will you please have a seat?
B: Sure.
A: Yes, Mr. Mason. I just checked with our office manager, Ms. Terry. She said Mr. Smith briefed her on your project. She is just finishing up a meeting now.
She should be with you shortly. Would you like me to show you around while you are waiting?
B: That would be very nice. Thank you.
A: Right this way, Mr. Mason. We can start with our front office. When Ms. Terry is ready, you may take the elevator at the front to the 6th floor. There is a conference room already prepared.
我来查一下他是否安排了其他人代替他和您见面。 那儿已经安排好了会议室。 全文译文: A:有什么需要帮助的吗? B:是的,我是安德森咨询公司的詹姆士•梅森。我想见史密斯先生。 A:您预约了吗? B:预约了,他知道我要来。我们定在2点见面。 A:我猜史密斯先生忘记与您见面的事。他今天早上就离开办公室了,估计下午四点以后才能回来。我来查一下他是否安排了其他人代替他和您见面。请坐一下,好吗? B:好的。 A:是这样的,梅森先生。我刚刚跟我们的办公室主任特里小姐核实过。她说史密斯先生跟她简单交代过您的事情。现在她刚开完一个会,马上会过来。您要我带您一边等一边转转吗? B:那样就太好了。谢谢你。


1. 2 Conversation
A: How can I help you?
B: Yes, I am James Mason from Anderson and Associates Limited. I would like to see Mr. Smith.
A: Do you have an appointment?
B: Yes, he knows I' m coming. Our meeting is set for 2 o' clock.
A: I wonder if Mr. Smith forgot your meeting. I am afraid he left this office this morning and is not expected back until 4 p. m. Let me find out if he made arrangements for someone else to meet with you in his place. Will you please have a seat?
B: Sure.
A: Yes, Mr. Mason. I just checked with our office manager, Ms. Terry. She said Mr. Smith briefed her on your project. She is just finishing up a meeting now.
She should be with you shortly. Would you like me to show you around while you are waiting?
B: That would be very nice. Thank you.
A: Right this way, Mr. Mason. We can start with our front office. When Ms. Terry is ready, you may take the elevator at the front to the 6th floor. There is a conference room already prepared.
wǒ lái chá yī xià tā shì fǒu ān pái le qí tā rén dài tì tā hé nín jiàn miàn. nà ér yǐ jīng ān pái hǎo le huì yì shì. quán wén yì wén: A: yǒu shén me xū yào bāng zhù de ma? B: shì de, wǒ shì ān dé sēn zī xún gōng sī de zhān mǔ shì méi sēn. wǒ xiǎng jiàn shǐ mì sī xiān shēng. A: nín yù yuē le ma? B: yù yuē le, tā zhī dào wǒ yào lái. wǒ men dìng zài 2 diǎn jiàn miàn. A: wǒ cāi shǐ mì sī xiān shēng wàng jì yǔ nín jiàn miàn dí shì. tā jīn tiān zǎo shàng jiù lí kāi bàn gōng shì le, gū jì xià wǔ sì diǎn yǐ hòu cái néng huí lái. wǒ lái chá yī xià tā shì fǒu ān pái le qí tā rén dài tì tā hé nín jiàn miàn. qǐng zuò yī xià, hǎo ma? B: hǎo de. A: shì zhè yàng de, méi sēn xiān shēng. wǒ gāng gāng gēn wǒ men de bàn gōng shì zhǔ rèn tè lǐ xiǎo jiě hé shí guò. tā shuō shǐ mì sī xiān shēng gēn tā jiǎn dān jiāo dài guò nín de shì qíng. xiàn zài tā gāng kāi wán yí gè huì, mǎ shàng huì guò lái. nín yào wǒ dài nín yī biān děng yī biān zhuǎn zhuǎn ma? B: nà yàng jiù tài hǎo le. xiè xiè nǐ.