第九章 在飞机上 9.2

歌曲 第九章 在飞机上 9.2
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BEC会话脱口说


9.2 Conversation
A:Have some champagne and Belgian chocolates.
B:Well,thank you. And could you bring us a deck of cards?
C:Do you have anything to read?
A:Yes...We have these magzines and newspapers.
C:Cool!Vogue,GQ! and Elle! Thanks.
D:What's the meal on this flight?
A:Here's the menu.You have three choices.
D:Wow!Filet Mignon!Peking Roast Duck!Lobster!
A:All first class meals are gourmet.We'll service you in an hour, but you can order now.
D:We'll have the filet and the duck.Thanks.
A:Great.Just sit back and prepare for take-off.
A:要来点香槟和比利时巧克力吗? B:呃,谢谢。你可以那一副纸牌给我们吗? A:当然。 C:你们有什么可以看的报刊杂志吗? A:有的……我们有这些杂志和报刊。 C:酷!《Vogue》,《GQ》和《 Elle》!谢谢。 D:飞机上提供什么餐点? A:这是菜单。您有三种选择。 D:哇!菲力牛排!北京烤鸭!龙虾! A:所有能头等舱的餐点都是美食。我们将在一小时内供餐,但是您可以现在点餐。 D:我们要菲力牛排和烤鸭。谢谢。 A:好的。请做好准备起飞。


9. 2 Conversation
A: Have some champagne and Belgian chocolates.
B: Well, thank you. And could you bring us a deck of cards?
A: Certainly.
C: Do you have anything to read?
A: Yes... We have these magzines and newspapers.
C: Cool! Vogue, GQ! and Elle! Thanks.
D: What' s the meal on this flight?
A: Here' s the menu. You have three choices.
D: Wow! Filet Mignon! Peking Roast Duck! Lobster!
A: All first class meals are gourmet. We' ll service you in an hour, but you can order now.
D: We' ll have the filet and the duck. Thanks.
A: Great. Just sit back and prepare for takeoff.
A: yào lái diǎn xiāng bīn hé bǐ lì shí qiǎo kè lì ma? B: è, xiè xiè. nǐ kě yǐ nà yī fù zhǐ pái gěi wǒ men ma? A: dāng rán. C: nǐ men yǒu shén me kě yǐ kàn de bào kān zá zhì ma? A: yǒu de wǒ men yǒu zhèi xiē zá zhì hé bào kān. C: kù! Vogue, GQ hé Elle! xiè xiè. D: fēi jī shàng tí gōng shén me cān diǎn? A: zhè shì cài dān. nín yǒu sān zhǒng xuǎn zé. D: wa! fēi lì niú pái! běi jīng kǎo yā! lóng xiā! A: suǒ yǒu néng tóu děng cāng de cān diǎn dōu shì měi shí. wǒ men jiāng zài yī xiǎo shí nèi gōng cān, dàn shì nín kě yǐ xiàn zài diǎn cān. D: wǒ men yào fēi lì niú pái hé kǎo yā. xiè xiè. A: hǎo de. qǐng zuò hǎo zhǔn bèi qǐ fēi.