第六章 待客观光 6.1

歌曲 第六章 待客观光 6.1
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BEC会话脱口说


6.1 Conversation
A: Wow! What a beautiful scenic spot! It's so open. And just breathe that fresh air, you can almost taste its freshness.
B: You can have a bird view of Guilin City from the top of the mountain.
A: Wonderful! I'll often come here for mountain climbing.
B: You should. Many Guiliners, especially the old and the young, will climb mountains here in the morning.
A: No wonder people say: Even the immortals would rather be Guiliners.
B: Quick! Pass me your binoculars. Look at that bird…I've never seen one of those before. It's indigenous to Guilin, and an endangered species too. This is lucky!
A: I didn't know you liked bird-watching.
B: I don't really. I just like wildlife, and you don't get to see too much of it in the city. This place is full of it.
A:哇!多么漂亮的观光胜地!这么宽广。只要呼吸一下这儿的空气,几乎就能尝到它的新鲜味道。 B:你从山顶可以俯瞰桂林。 A:太棒了!以后我要经常来这儿爬山。 B:你应该。每天早上都有很多桂林人来爬山,尤其是老老少少。 A:难怪人们说:宁做桂林人,不愿做神仙。 B:……赶快!把你的望远镜给我,看看那只鸟……我从来没见过那种鸟类,它是桂林本土的鸟类,而且是濒临灭绝的一种。我们运气真好! A:我以前不知道你喜欢观察鸟。 B:也不尽然,我只是喜欢野生动物,在城市里你根本没机会看到它们,而在这里竟然有这么多。 生词:endangered species 濒危物种


6. 1 Conversation
A: Wow! What a beautiful scenic spot! It' s so open. And just breathe that fresh air, you can almost taste its freshness.
B: You can have a bird view of Guilin City from the top of the mountain.
A: Wonderful! I' ll often come here for mountain climbing.
B: You should. Many Guiliners, especially the old and the young, will climb mountains here in the morning.
A: No wonder people say: Even the immortals would rather be Guiliners.
B: Quick! Pass me your binoculars. Look at that bird I' ve never seen one of those before. It' s indigenous to Guilin, and an endangered species too. This is lucky!
A: I didn' t know you liked birdwatching.
B: I don' t really. I just like wildlife, and you don' t get to see too much of it in the city. This place is full of it.
A: wa! duō me piào liàng de guān guāng shèng dì! zhè me kuān guǎng. zhǐ yào hū xī yī xià zhè ér de kōng qì, jī hū jiù néng cháng dào tā de xīn xiān wèi dào. B: nǐ cóng shān dǐng kě yǐ fǔ kàn guì lín. A: tài bàng le! yǐ hòu wǒ yào jīng cháng lái zhè ér pá shān. B: nǐ yīng gāi. měi tiān zǎo shàng dōu yǒu hěn duō guì lín rén lái pá shān, yóu qí shì lǎo lǎo shào shào. A: nán guài rén men shuō: níng zuò guì lín rén, bù yuàn zuò shén xiān. B: gǎn kuài! bǎ nǐ de wàng yuǎn jìng gěi wǒ, kàn kàn nà zhǐ niǎo wǒ cóng lái méi jiàn guò nà zhǒng niǎo lèi, tā shì guì lín běn tǔ de niǎo lèi, ér qiě shì bīn lín miè jué de yī zhǒng. wǒ men yùn qì zhēn hǎo! A: wǒ yǐ qián bù zhī dào nǐ xǐ huān guān chá niǎo. B: yě bù jìn rán, wǒ zhǐ shì xǐ huān yě shēng dòng wù, zài chéng shì lǐ nǐ gēn běn méi jī huì kàn dào tā men, ér zài zhè lǐ jìng rán yǒu zhè me duō. shēng cí: endangered species bīn wēi wù zhǒng