
歌曲 希拉里出席东盟投资峰会(2/2)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 美音社论


Another aspect of U.S. policy with regard to ASEAN is commercial diplomacy. "The U.S.," said Secretary Clinton, "has to advocate for businesses and make sure that they are able to compete on a level playing field." When governments impose unfair terms on foreign companies just to enter or expand into a new market, the U.S. needs to push back. And finally, the United States will continue to support entrepreneurship and small businesses so that they have the capital resources, regulatory support, and market access to develop new products, create jobs, and expand their businesses. That's one of the reasons that the U.S. established the Global Entrepreneurship Program and Partnerships for a new beginning. Both are aimed at advocating for entrepreneurs and small businesses around the world. Indeed, small businesses provide employment for far more people than all the big businesses in the world combined. The United States is very optimistic about the economic potential of the Asia Pacific. "Let's use our resources," said Secretary Clinton, "our networks, and renew our commitment to the kind of growth that will really benefit the vast majority of people."
美国在东盟的另一政策是商务外交。克林顿说,美国支持发展商务,并确信公司能够在公平的平台上竞争。当政府对外国公司施以不公平的条款时,美国会全力抵制。 美国将继续支持创业者和小企业,使他们有运作资本,政策支持和进入市场的权力,以发展新产品,创造工作机会,扩大商业规模。这是美国建立全球新兴创业者和合作商纲领的原因,目标在于支持全球的创业这和小企业。事实上,小企业提供了比大型企业更多的就业机会。 美国对于亚太地区的经济发展潜力十分乐观。克林顿说,让我们利用资源和关系网络,重新审视我们对于发展的所承担的义务,这样会给更多的人带来益处。


Another aspect of U. S. policy with regard to ASEAN is commercial diplomacy. " The U. S.," said Secretary Clinton, " has to advocate for businesses and make sure that they are able to compete on a level playing field." When governments impose unfair terms on foreign companies just to enter or expand into a new market, the U. S. needs to push back. And finally, the United States will continue to support entrepreneurship and small businesses so that they have the capital resources, regulatory support, and market access to develop new products, create jobs, and expand their businesses. That' s one of the reasons that the U. S. established the Global Entrepreneurship Program and Partnerships for a new beginning. Both are aimed at advocating for entrepreneurs and small businesses around the world. Indeed, small businesses provide employment for far more people than all the big businesses in the world combined. The United States is very optimistic about the economic potential of the Asia Pacific. " Let' s use our resources," said Secretary Clinton, " our networks, and renew our commitment to the kind of growth that will really benefit the vast majority of people."
měi guó zài dōng méng de lìng yī zhèng cè shì shāng wù wài jiāo. kè lín dùn shuō, měi guó zhī chí fā zhǎn shāng wù, bìng què xìn gōng sī néng gòu zài gōng píng de píng tái shàng jìng zhēng. dāng zhèng fǔ duì wài guó gōng sī shī yǐ bù gōng píng de tiáo kuǎn shí, měi guó huì quán lì dǐ zhì. měi guó jiāng jì xù zhī chí chuàng yè zhě hé xiǎo qǐ yè, shǐ tā men yǒu yùn zuò zī běn, zhèng cè zhī chí hé jìn rù shì chǎng de quán lì, yǐ fā zhǎn xīn chǎn pǐn, chuàng zào gōng zuò jī huì, kuò dà shāng yè guī mó. zhè shì měi guó jiàn lì quán qiú xīn xīng chuàng yè zhě hé hé zuò shāng gāng lǐng de yuán yīn, mù biāo zài yú zhī chí quán qiú de chuàng yè zhè hé xiǎo qǐ yè. shì shí shàng, xiǎo qǐ yè tí gōng le bǐ dà xíng qǐ yè gèng duō de jiù yè jī huì. měi guó duì yú yà tài dì qū de jīng jì fā zhǎn qián lì shí fēn lè guān. kè lín dùn shuō, ràng wǒ men lì yòng zī yuán hé guān xì wǎng luò, chóng xīn shěn shì wǒ men duì yú fā zhǎn de suǒ chéng dān de yì wù, zhè yàng huì gěi gèng duō de rén dài lái yì chù.