
歌曲 希拉里访问阿富汗(1/2)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 美音社论


On her recent visit to Afghanistan, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Afghan President Hamid Karzai discussed the challenges and opportunities in the partnership between the United States and Afghanistan. "We are focused," said Secretary Clinton, "on the shared goal of a stable, soverei…
在美国国务卿希拉里克林顿最近对阿富汗的访问中,她和阿富汗总统卡尔扎伊讨论了两国作为伙伴关系所面临的挑战和机遇。 国务卿克林顿说:我们关注彼此共同的目标,希望建立一个稳定,拥有主权,独立并且繁荣的阿富汗以及没有企图破坏阿富汗人民所取得的进步的基地组织和极端主义者的地区。美国和阿富汗正在共同向塔利班组织…


On her recent visit to Afghanistan, U. S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Afghan President Hamid Karzai discussed the challenges and opportunities in the partnership between the United States and Afghanistan. " We are focused," said Secretary Clinton, " on the shared goal of a stable, soverei
zài měi guó guó wù qīng xī lā lǐ kè lín dùn zuì jìn duì ā fù hàn de fǎng wèn zhōng, tā hé ā fù hàn zǒng tǒng kǎ ěr zā yī tǎo lùn le liǎng guó zuò wéi huǒ bàn guān xì suǒ miàn lín de tiǎo zhàn hé jī yù. guó wù qīng kè lín dùn shuō: wǒ men guān zhù bǐ cǐ gòng tóng de mù biāo, xī wàng jiàn lì yí gè wěn dìng, yōng yǒu zhǔ quán, dú lì bìng qiě fán róng de ā fù hàn yǐ jí méi yǒu qǐ tú pò huài ā fù hàn rén mín suǒ qǔ de de jìn bù de jī dì zǔ zhī hé jí duān zhǔ yì zhě de dì qū. měi guó hé ā fù hàn zhèng zài gòng tóng xiàng tǎ lì bān zǔ zhī