
歌曲 希拉里访问阿富汗(2/2)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 美音社论


Afghanistan's political and economic future is tied to the region as a whole. That's why the United States is working to secure commitments from all of Afghanistan's neighbors to respect Afghan sovereignty and territorial integrity, and to support peace in Afghanistan. Pakistan's cooperation is…
阿富汗政治经济的未来与全族息息相关,那也是为什么美国一直在作为安全委托方,从他的邻国到尊重阿富汗的政权和领土完整,并且支持阿富汗的和平。 与巴基斯坦的合作是至关重要的。极端暴力主义已经让数以千计的巴基斯坦和阿富汗人民丧生。那也是为什么两国领导人有继续对话必要的原因。极端主义一定会否认巴基斯坦是和平的…


Afghanistan' s political and economic future is tied to the region as a whole. That' s why the United States is working to secure commitments from all of Afghanistan' s neighbors to respect Afghan sovereignty and territorial integrity, and to support peace in Afghanistan. Pakistan' s cooperation is
ā fù hàn zhèng zhì jīng jì de wèi lái yǔ quán zú xī xī xiāng guān, nà yě shì wèi shí me měi guó yī zhí zài zuò wéi ān quán wěi tuō fāng, cóng tā de lín guó dào zūn zhòng ā fù hàn de zhèng quán hé lǐng tǔ wán zhěng, bìng qiě zhī chí ā fù hàn de hé píng. yǔ bā jī sī tǎn de hé zuò shì zhì guān zhòng yào de. jí duān bào lì zhǔ yì yǐ jīng ràng shù yǐ qiān jì de bā jī sī tǎn hé ā fù hàn rén mín sàng shēng. nà yě shì wèi shí me liǎng guó lǐng dǎo rén yǒu jì xù duì huà bì yào de yuán yīn. jí duān zhǔ yì yí dìng huì fǒu rèn bā jī sī tǎn shì hé píng de