
歌曲 奥巴马会见缅甸总统(2/2)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 美音社论


"There's more to be done," President Obama said. "We remain concerned about Burma's closed political system, its treatment of minorities and holding of political prisoners, and its relationship with North Korea. But we want to seize what could be an historic opportunity for progress, and make it clear that if Burma continues to travel down the road of democratic reform, it can forge a new relationship with the United States of America. "I spoke to Aung San Suu Kyi," President Obama continued, "She supports American engagement to move this process forward. So I've asked Secretary Hillary Clinton to go to Burma and she will explore whether the United States can empower a positive transition in Burma and begin a new chapter between our countries." "That possibility will depend upon the Burmese government taking more concrete action," President Obama concluded, "If Burma fails to move down the path of reform, it will continue to face sanctions and isolation. But if it seizes this moment, then reconciliation can prevail, and millions of people may get the chance to live with a greater measure of freedom, prosperity, and dignity."
美国总统奥巴马说:“仍有很多工作要做。我们依然担忧缅甸闭塞的政治体制,他们对待少数民族的处理方式,扣留政治犯的行为以及和朝鲜的关系。但是我们希望能够抓住这一历史发展机遇,确认缅甸是否继续进行民主改革之路,这样一来,缅美将建立全新的外交关系。” 奥巴马总统继续说:“我和昂山素季交谈过,她支持美国介入缅甸的民主进程。因此,我请国务卿希拉里·克林顿前往缅甸,她将考察美国是否可以助缅甸一臂之力,进行此次积极的改革,也为缅美两国关系开创新的篇章。” 奥巴马总统总结道:“此次改革成功的可能性取决于缅甸政府是否采取更为明确的行动。如果缅甸此次改革失败,将依然面对制裁和孤立。但是如果把握此次改革机会,将会达成和解,数百万缅甸人民将有机会过上更加自由,兴旺和富有尊严的生活。”


" There' s more to be done," President Obama said. " We remain concerned about Burma' s closed political system, its treatment of minorities and holding of political prisoners, and its relationship with North Korea. But we want to seize what could be an historic opportunity for progress, and make it clear that if Burma continues to travel down the road of democratic reform, it can forge a new relationship with the United States of America. " I spoke to Aung San Suu Kyi," President Obama continued, " She supports American engagement to move this process forward. So I' ve asked Secretary Hillary Clinton to go to Burma and she will explore whether the United States can empower a positive transition in Burma and begin a new chapter between our countries." " That possibility will depend upon the Burmese government taking more concrete action," President Obama concluded, " If Burma fails to move down the path of reform, it will continue to face sanctions and isolation. But if it seizes this moment, then reconciliation can prevail, and millions of people may get the chance to live with a greater measure of freedom, prosperity, and dignity."
měi guó zǒng tǒng ào bā mǎ shuō:" réng yǒu hěn duō gōng zuò yào zuò. wǒ men yī rán dān yōu miǎn diàn bì sè de zhèng zhì tǐ zhì, tā men duì dài shǎo shù mín zú de chǔ lǐ fāng shì, kòu liú zhèng zhì fàn de xíng wéi yǐ jí hé cháo xiǎn de guān xì. dàn shì wǒ men xī wàng néng gòu zhuā zhù zhè yī lì shǐ fā zhǎn jī yù, què rèn miǎn diàn shì fǒu jì xù jìn xíng mín zhǔ gǎi gé zhī lù, zhè yàng yī lái, miǎn měi jiāng jiàn lì quán xīn de wài jiāo guān xì." ào bā mǎ zǒng tǒng jì xù shuō:" wǒ hé áng shān sù jì jiāo tán guò, tā zhī chí měi guó jiè rù miǎn diàn de mín zhǔ jìn chéng. yīn cǐ, wǒ qǐng guó wù qīng xī lā lǐ kè lín dùn qián wǎng miǎn diàn, tā jiāng kǎo chá měi guó shì fǒu kě yǐ zhù miǎn diàn yī bì zhī lì, jìn xíng cǐ cì jī jí de gǎi gé, yě wèi miǎn měi liǎng guó guān xì kāi chuàng xīn de piān zhāng." ào bā mǎ zǒng tǒng zǒng jié dào:" cǐ cì gǎi gé chéng gōng de kě néng xìng qǔ jué yú miǎn diàn zhèng fǔ shì fǒu cǎi qǔ gèng wéi míng què de xíng dòng. rú guǒ miǎn diàn cǐ cì gǎi gé shī bài, jiāng yī rán miàn duì zhì cái hé gū lì. dàn shì rú guǒ bǎ wò cǐ cì gǎi gé jī huì, jiāng huì dá chéng hé jiě, shù bǎi wàn miǎn diàn rén mín jiāng yǒu jī huì guò shàng gèng jiā zì yóu, xīng wàng hé fù yǒu zūn yán de shēng huó."