
歌曲 2011年麦戈文领袖奖(2/2)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 美音社论


"Supporting such innovation and delivering results are also the basis of the Obama Administration's Feed the Future Initiative," she said, "We have pledged at least $3.5 billion over three years to help our partner countries increase value along the entire agricultural chain – from fields to market…
“支持这种革新以及传播这些成果同样也是奥巴马政府未来粮食保障行动计划的基础”她说, “我们已经分三年向我们的伙伴国提供了至少35亿美元以帮助他们提升整个农业产业链-从田间到市场再在到家庭的价值。我们承诺的中心任务是找到应对饥饿危机可持续的长期的解决方案。” 尽管未来粮食保障行动计划关注的是长期食品安全,在…


" Supporting such innovation and delivering results are also the basis of the Obama Administration' s Feed the Future Initiative," she said, " We have pledged at least 3. 5 billion over three years to help our partner countries increase value along the entire agricultural chain from fields to market
" zhī chí zhè zhǒng gé xīn yǐ jí chuán bō zhèi xiē chéng guǒ tóng yàng yě shì ào bā mǎ zhèng fǔ wèi lái liáng shí bǎo zhàng xíng dòng jì huà de jī chǔ" tā shuō, " wǒ men yǐ jīng fēn sān nián xiàng wǒ men de huǒ bàn guó tí gōng le zhì shǎo 35 yì měi yuán yǐ bāng zhù tā men tí shēng zhěng gè nóng yè chǎn yè liàn cóng tián jiān dào shì chǎng zài zài dào jiā tíng de jià zhí. wǒ men chéng nuò de zhōng xīn rèn wù shì zhǎo dào yìng duì jī è wēi jī kě chí xù de cháng qī de jiě jué fāng àn." jǐn guǎn wèi lái liáng shí bǎo zhàng xíng dòng jì huà guān zhù de shì cháng qī shí pǐn ān quán, zài