
歌曲 人口贩卖(2/2)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 美音社论


Japan has prevented trafficking, in part because of the country's screening procedures have diminished the entertainer visa program, which in the past had provided the main means of entry for trafficking victims. Thailand and Malaysia have made strides in protecting victims. Thai police have rescued sex trafficking victims from neighboring countries and Central Asia. In Malaysia, the government recently allowed an independent assessment of its shelters for sex trafficking victims, which is an important step towards needed improvement to victims' care and protection. "Although countries in the East Asia–Pacific region continue to suffer from these abuses of human liberty and dignity, we must acknowledge the real progress that countries in the region have made in a relatively short amount of time to combat human trafficking," Deputy Assistant Secretary Yun concluded, "Since the UN Protocol to prevent, suppress, and punish trafficking in persons, especially women and children, also known as the Palermo Protocol, entered into force in 2003, the number of countries in the region to implement its provisions has more than doubled."
日本已经对贩卖人口采取了预防措施,部分是由于这个国家的审查手续减少了艺人签证,在过去这是贩卖人口的主要入境方式。 泰国和马来西亚在保护被贩卖受害者上取得了进展。泰国警方已经从邻国和中亚援救了被贩卖从事性服务的受害者。在马来西亚,政府最近对于被贩卖从事性服务的受害者通过了一项单独的避难评估,这对于提高受害者所需要的关爱及保护是重要的一步。 “尽管东亚太地区的国家还在忍受人类自由及尊严的践踏,我们必须承认这一地区的国家在相当短的时间内对于打击人口贩卖所取得的进步。”副助理国务卿云总结到。 自从联合国草案就预防、禁止和惩罚人口贩卖,尤其是女性和儿童的贩卖,以及著名的巴勒莫草案在2003年生效以来,这一地区执行其条款的国家已经超过了两倍。


Japan has prevented trafficking, in part because of the country' s screening procedures have diminished the entertainer visa program, which in the past had provided the main means of entry for trafficking victims. Thailand and Malaysia have made strides in protecting victims. Thai police have rescued sex trafficking victims from neighboring countries and Central Asia. In Malaysia, the government recently allowed an independent assessment of its shelters for sex trafficking victims, which is an important step towards needed improvement to victims' care and protection. " Although countries in the East Asia Pacific region continue to suffer from these abuses of human liberty and dignity, we must acknowledge the real progress that countries in the region have made in a relatively short amount of time to combat human trafficking," Deputy Assistant Secretary Yun concluded, " Since the UN Protocol to prevent, suppress, and punish trafficking in persons, especially women and children, also known as the Palermo Protocol, entered into force in 2003, the number of countries in the region to implement its provisions has more than doubled."
rì běn yǐ jīng duì fàn mài rén kǒu cǎi qǔ le yù fáng cuò shī, bù fèn shì yóu yú zhè gè guó jiā de shěn zhā shǒu xù jiǎn shǎo le yì rén qiān zhèng, zài guò qù zhè shì fàn mài rén kǒu de zhǔ yào rù jìng fāng shì. tài guó hé mǎ lái xī yà zài bǎo hù bèi fàn mài shòu hài zhě shàng qǔ de le jìn zhǎn. tài guó jǐng fāng yǐ jīng cóng lín guó hé zhōng yà yuán jiù le bèi fàn mài cóng shì xìng fú wù de shòu hài zhě. zài mǎ lái xī yà, zhèng fǔ zuì jìn duì yú bèi fàn mài cóng shì xìng fú wù de shòu hài zhě tōng guò le yī xiàng dān dú de bì nàn píng gū, zhè duì yú tí gāo shòu hài zhě suǒ xū yào de guān ài jí bǎo hù shì zhòng yào de yī bù. " jǐn guǎn dōng yà tài dì qū de guó jiā hái zài rěn shòu rén lèi zì yóu jí zūn yán de jiàn tà, wǒ men bì xū chéng rèn zhè yī dì qū de guó jiā zài xiāng dāng duǎn de shí jiān nèi duì yú dǎ jī rén kǒu fàn mài suǒ qǔ de de jìn bù." fù zhù lǐ guó wù qīng yún zǒng jié dào. zì cóng lián hé guó cǎo àn jiù yù fáng jìn zhǐ hé chéng fá rén kǒu fàn mài, yóu qí shì nǚ xìng hé ér tóng de fàn mài, yǐ jí zhù míng de bā lè mò cǎo àn zài 2003 nián shēng xiào yǐ lái, zhè yī dì qū zhí xíng qí tiáo kuǎn de guó jiā yǐ jīng chāo guò le liǎng bèi.