
歌曲 行走安全:清理遗留爆炸物(2/2)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 美音社论


In ten years, the United States has helped destroy over 1.4 million small arms and light weapons; eliminate over 80,000 tons of unstable or excess munitions; and take more than 32,000 Man-Portable Air Defense Systems out of circulation. "Clearing and destroying conventional weapons is only one part of our work." Secretary Clinton said. "We are raising awareness about the threat of unexploded ordnance so that, whenever possible, we can prevent injuries from occurring. And when they do occur, we strive to help survivors and their families rebuild their lives." One of the next great challenges will be helping countries secure and destroy their stockpiles of unstable conventional munitions stored in dangerous depots. Since 1995, explosions at more than 200 of these depots have claimed thousands of lives in every region of the world. "We stand firmly with all those working to address the harmful and indiscriminate effects of landmines and munitions explosions on civilians," Secretary Clinton concluded, "This report is heartening proof that when we work together in common cause, we can make real progress, but it's also a reminder of how much more we have to do."