Liberians head to the polls again this week to elect a president in the first locally organized balloting since the end of the nation's bitter civil war. The United States is deeply disappointed then that a major political party, the Congress for Democratic Change, or CDC, is turning its back on the… | |
利比里亚走向投票站本周再次在当地举办的民族的痛苦的内战结束以来的第一次抽选出的总统。美国深感失望,然后一个主要政党,国会争取民主变革,市民民防团,努力打开其背面和所有决定抵制投票代表。 市民民防团负责上个月的第一轮投票欺诈是天方夜谭。正如国际和利比里亚监督会证明,10月11日的总统和立法选举是自由的,公… |
Liberians head to the polls again this week to elect a president in the first locally organized balloting since the end of the nation' s bitter civil war. The United States is deeply disappointed then that a major political party, the Congress for Democratic Change, or CDC, is turning its back on the | |
li bi li ya zou xiang tou piao zhan ben zhou zai ci zai dang di ju ban de min zu de tong ku de nei zhan jie shu yi lai de di yi ci chou xuan chu de zong tong. mei guo shen gan shi wang, ran hou yi ge zhu yao zheng dang, guo hui zheng qu min zhu bian ge, shi min min fang tuan, nu li da kai qi bei mian he suo you jue ding di zhi tou piao dai biao. shi min min fang tuan fu ze shang ge yue de di yi lun tou piao qi zha shi tian fang ye tan. zheng ru guo ji he li bi li ya jian du hui zheng ming, 10 yue 11 ri de zong tong he li fa xuan ju shi zi you de, gong |
Liberians head to the polls again this week to elect a president in the first locally organized balloting since the end of the nation' s bitter civil war. The United States is deeply disappointed then that a major political party, the Congress for Democratic Change, or CDC, is turning its back on the | |
lì bǐ lǐ yà zǒu xiàng tóu piào zhàn běn zhōu zài cì zài dāng dì jǔ bàn de mín zú de tòng kǔ de nèi zhàn jié shù yǐ lái de dì yī cì chōu xuǎn chū de zǒng tǒng. měi guó shēn gǎn shī wàng, rán hòu yí gè zhǔ yào zhèng dǎng, guó huì zhēng qǔ mín zhǔ biàn gé, shì mín mín fáng tuán, nǔ lì dǎ kāi qí bèi miàn hé suǒ yǒu jué dìng dǐ zhì tóu piào dài biǎo. shì mín mín fáng tuán fù zé shàng ge yuè de dì yī lún tóu piào qī zhà shì tiān fāng yè tán. zhèng rú guó jì hé lì bǐ lǐ yà jiān dū huì zhèng míng, 10 yuè 11 rì de zǒng tǒng hé lì fǎ xuǎn jǔ shì zì yóu de, gōng |