
歌曲 欧美扩大对伊朗制裁(2/2)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 美音社论


The U.S.," he added, "is not acting alone. The U.K. and Canada took similarly strong actions on November 21st to protect their respective financial sectors from the Iranian threat." U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the new measures represent a significant ratcheting up of pressure on Iran, its sources of income and its illegal activities. "They build on an extensive existing sanctions regime put into place by the U.N. Security Council and a large number of countries, including our own, acting nationally and multilaterally to implement the Council's measures. And these sanctions are already having a dramatic effect. They have almost completely isolated Iran from the international financial sector and have made it very risky and costly a place to do business." U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said as the new sanctions are put in place, the U.S. continues to explore other measures. "The policies Iran is pursuing are unacceptable," said Mr. Geithner, "and until Iran's leadership agrees to abandon this dangerous course, we will continue to use tough and innovative means to impose severe economic and financial consequences on Iran's leadership.