香格里拉 31

歌曲 香格里拉 31
歌手 英语听力
专辑 【BBC美丽中国】香格里拉


The Wuliangshan gibbons are unusual for their social structure. Most gibbons live in small family groups consisting of a mating pair and their offspring. But these gibbons exist in troops. One male can have two or sometimes three females and all of these can have young. Often even the juveniles stay in the community. Rarely glimpsed, this baby may be only a day old. If it survives infancy,then it has a promising future in these few valleys with its close-knit family.


The Wuliangshan gibbons are unusual for their social structure. Most gibbons live in small family groups consisting of a mating pair and their offspring. But these gibbons exist in troops. One male can have two or sometimes three females and all of these can have young. Often even the juveniles stay in the community. Rarely glimpsed, this baby may be only a day old. If it survives infancy, then it has a promising future in these few valleys with its closeknit family.
duì tā men de shè huì jié gòu lái shuō wú liàng shān de cháng bì yuán shì rú cǐ de yǔ zhòng bù tóng. dà duō shù cháng bì yuán shēng huó zài yí gè xiǎo jiā zú zhī zhōng, yóu jiāo pèi de shuāng fāng hé tā men de hòu dài suǒ zǔ chéng. dàn shì zhèi xiē cháng bì yuán yě guò zhe qún jū de shēng huó. yì zhī xióng xìng cháng bì yuán néng gòu yǔ liǎng zhǐ dào sān zhǐ de cí xìng jiāo pèi, ér qiě zhèi xiē cí xìng dōu néng huái tāi shēng zǐ. tōng cháng zhèi xiē xiǎo cháng bì yuán dōu shēng huó zài zú qún zhī zhōng. jīng hóng yī piē, zhè zhǐ xiǎo cháng bì yuán yě xǔ gāng chū shēng le yì tiān. rú guǒ ān quán dù guò le yīng ér qī tā jiāng yōng yǒu yí gè chōng mǎn xī wàng de wèi lái, yǔ tā zǔ zhī yán mì de jiā tíng gòng tóng shēng huó zài wǎn rú shì wài táo yuán de shān gǔ zhōng.