香格里拉 33

歌曲 香格里拉 33
歌手 英语听力
专辑 【BBC美丽中国】香格里拉


It's collected daily, bowl by bowl. It will be boiled and processed into one of the most important materials to a fast developing nation - rubber. The expansion of the rubber forests began in the '50s when China, under a world rubber embargo, had to become self-sufficient in this vital product. Beijing turned to the only place where rubber could grow, the tropical south of Yunnan. With efficiency and speed, some of the world's richest forests were torn up and burned. Replaced with mile upon mile of rubber plantation. But there was a problem for the rubber growers. While Yunnan's unique natural forests can survive on the valley slopes which stretch to the north, just one severe frost will kill off these delicate rubber trees.


It' s collected daily, bowl by bowl. It will be boiled and processed into one of the most important materials to a fast developing nation rubber. The expansion of the rubber forests began in the ' 50s when China, under a world rubber embargo, had to become selfsufficient in this vital product. Beijing turned to the only place where rubber could grow, the tropical south of Yunnan. With efficiency and speed, some of the world' s richest forests were torn up and burned. Replaced with mile upon mile of rubber plantation. But there was a problem for the rubber growers. While Yunnan' s unique natural forests can survive on the valley slopes which stretch to the north, just one severe frost will kill off these delicate rubber trees.
tā měi tiān dū bèi cǎi jí, yī wǎn yòu yī wǎn. yè tǐ jiāng bèi áo zhì chéng wéi yī zhǒng fēi cháng zhòng yào de cái liào. xiàng jiāo duì fā zhǎn zhōng guó jiā lái shuō yóu wéi guān jiàn. zhōng guó de xiàng jiāo lín zhòng zhí miàn jī zài wǔ shí nián dài shí jí sù kuò zhāng, měi guó qīn lüè cháo xiǎn qī jiān duì dāng shí de zhōng guó shí xíng le quán miàn dí jīng jì fēng suǒ hé xiàng jiāo jìn yùn. zhōng guó duì zhè zhǒng zhàn lüè yuán liào de xū qiú bì xū zì jǐ zì zú. běi jīng dāng jú bǎ mù guāng zhuǎn xiàng le xiàng jiāo shù wéi yī néng gòu kuài sù chéng cái de dì fāng: wèi yú rè dài dì qū de yún nán nán bù. gāo xiào kuài jié de xíng dòng kāi shǐ le, yī xiē shì jiān zuì fēng mào de sēn lín bèi cuī huǐ bìng fén shāo dài jìn, qǔ ér dài zhī de shì chéng piàn de de xiàng jiāo lín. xiàng jiāo zhòng zhí zhě de wèn tí yě jiē zhǒng ér zhì. jǐn guǎn yún nán dú tè de tiān rán lín, néng gòu zài yán shēn dào běi bù de shān pō shàng zhuó zhuàng chéng zhǎng, kě shì yī chǎng yán jùn de shuāng dòng jiù néng huǐ miè zhè piàn jiāo ruò de xiàng jiāo lín.