香格里拉 18

歌曲 香格里拉 18
歌手 英语听力
专辑 【BBC美丽中国】香格里拉


The thinner species of bamboo are easy to attack and pull below. She has a fantastic sense of smell and can sniff out the fresh growth through the soil. Bamboo spreads along underground stems. By following these, new shoots are found. Once a shoot is detected, she snips it free and drags it down into her burrow. This female has a family. At just a few weeks old, the youngsters can already tackle the hardest bamboo stems and are eager to try. Bamboo's tough reputation is such, that another bamboo specialist was known by the Chinese as "The Iron Eating Animal".


The thinner species of bamboo are easy to attack and pull below. She has a fantastic sense of smell and can sniff out the fresh growth through the soil. Bamboo spreads along underground stems. By following these, new shoots are found. Once a shoot is detected, she snips it free and drags it down into her burrow. This female has a family. At just a few weeks old, the youngsters can already tackle the hardest bamboo stems and are eager to try. Bamboo' s tough reputation is such, that another bamboo specialist was known by the Chinese as " The Iron Eating Animal".
xì xiǎo de zhú zi hěn róng yì bèi tuō jìn kēng dào zhōng. tā yōng yǒu jí qí chū sè de xiù jué, néng gòu tòu guò tǔ rǎng xiù dào xīn xiān de shēng cháng wù. zhú zi de gēn yī zhí wǎng dì xià yán shēn, fēi cháng yǒu lì yú zhú yòu shùn gēn zhǎo dào xīn xiān de zhú zhī. yī dàn zhú zhī bèi fā xiàn, zhú yòu yǎo duàn zhī hòu bǎ zhú zhī tuō huí dào tā de dì dòng lǐ. zhè zhǐ cí xìng zhú yòu yōng yǒu zhe yí gè jiā tíng. xiǎo zhú yòu chū shì cái zhǐ yǒu jǐ gè xīng qī jiù yǐ jīng néng gòu yìng fù zuì yìng de zhú zhī le. tā men shì rú cǐ de kě wàng yǎo shàng jǐ kǒu. zhú zi jiān yìng de míng shēng shì rú cǐ de xiǎn hè, lìng yí gè shí zhú gāo shǒu bèi rèn wéi shì zhōng guó de" gōng jiān zhuān jiā".