香格里拉 10

歌曲 香格里拉 10
歌手 英语听力
专辑 【BBC美丽中国】香格里拉


Seeing his chance, the male makes his move.
Constant moisture in the Gaoligongshan forests means that throughout the year there are always fruits on the trees.
Such abundance of food encourages a high diversity of fruit eaters more commonly found in the tropics.
The black giant squirrel is found only in undisturbed rainforest.
At close to a metre in length, it's one of the world's largest squirrels. The mystery is that these forests are growing well outside the tropics. By rights, none of this jungle, or its animals, should be here.
These are bear macaques.
They're found only in tropical and sub-tropical jungle. With a tiny home range of just a few square kilometres, they depend on the abundant fruit that only true rainforests can provide all year round. To the European plant hunters, these northern rainforests must have seemed a fantastic and mysterious lost world.
是行动的时候了。高黎贡山的森林总是保持着湿润的气候,这意味着这里终年都出产水果,如此丰盛的水果吸引了各式各样原本。仅存于热带地区的“水果派”们。大黑松鼠原本只生活在原始雨林中。体长近一米的大黑松鼠 是世界上体型最大的松鼠之一神奇之处在于这些森林远离热带却依旧繁茂要是公正的说 雨林及其间的动物本不该存在于此。这是短尾猕猴。他们通常只生活在热带亚热带的丛林中。之所以能够在这片方圆千米的袖珍家园生息。靠的是全年丰足的水果供给。这种得天独厚的饮食条件 足以媲美热带雨林。对欧洲的植物猎人而言,北方的雨林简直是奇幻美妙的失落世界。


Seeing his chance, the male makes his move.
Constant moisture in the Gaoligongshan forests means that throughout the year there are always fruits on the trees.
Such abundance of food encourages a high diversity of fruit eaters more commonly found in the tropics.
The black giant squirrel is found only in undisturbed rainforest.
At close to a metre in length, it' s one of the world' s largest squirrels. The mystery is that these forests are growing well outside the tropics. By rights, none of this jungle, or its animals, should be here.
These are bear macaques.
They' re found only in tropical and subtropical jungle. With a tiny home range of just a few square kilometres, they depend on the abundant fruit that only true rainforests can provide all year round. To the European plant hunters, these northern rainforests must have seemed a fantastic and mysterious lost world.
shì xíng dòng de shí hòu le. gāo lí gòng shān de sēn lín zǒng shì bǎo chí zhe shī rùn de qì hòu, zhè yì wèi zhe zhè lǐ zhōng nián dōu chū chǎn shuǐ guǒ, rú cǐ fēng shèng de shuǐ guǒ xī yǐn le gè shì gè yàng yuán běn. jǐn cún yú rè dài dì qū de" shuǐ guǒ pài" men. dà hēi sōng shǔ yuán běn zhǐ shēng huó zài yuán shǐ yǔ lín zhōng. tǐ cháng jìn yī mǐ de dà hēi sōng shǔ shì shì jiè shang tǐ xíng zuì dà de sōng shǔ zhī yī shén qí zhī chǔ zài yú zhèi xiē sēn lín yuǎn lí rè dài què yī jiù fán mào yào shì gōng zhèng de shuō yǔ lín jí qí jiān de dòng wù běn bù gāi cún zài yú cǐ. zhè shì duǎn wěi mí hóu. tā men tōng cháng zhǐ shēng huó zài rè dài yà rè dài de cóng lín zhōng. zhī suǒ yǐ néng gòu zài zhè piàn fāng yuán qiān mǐ de xiù zhēn jiā yuán shēng xī. kào de shì quán nián fēng zú de shuǐ guǒ gōng jǐ. zhè zhǒng dé tiān dú hòu de yǐn shí tiáo jiàn zú yǐ pì měi rè dài yǔ lín. duì ōu zhōu de zhí wù liè rén ér yán, běi fāng de yǔ lín jiǎn zhí shì qí huàn měi miào de shī luò shì jiè.