香格里拉 14

歌曲 香格里拉 14
歌手 英语听力
专辑 【BBC美丽中国】香格里拉


Given the chance, bamboo will create immense forests, dominating entire areas. Bamboo forests occur across southwest China, all the way to Shanghai. But probably the highest diversity of bamboos in the world is found on the hills and valleys of Yunnan.
Though incredibly strong, bamboos have hollow stems, a perfect shelter for any creatures which can find a way in.
A bamboo bat. The size of a bumblebee, it's one of the tiniest ammals in the world.
The entire colony, up to 25 bats, fits into a single section of bamboo stem, smaller than a tea cup.
It's quite a squeeze!
Half the colony are babies.
Though barely a week old, they are already almost as big as their mums. Feeding such a fast-growing brood is hard work.
The mums leave to hunt just after dusk each night.
时机成熟,竹子将造就出支配整个地域的庞大竹林。竹林的踪迹遍及整个中国的西南部,一路向东直至上海都能看到它的身影。或许世界上最高耸挺拔的竹子。却悠然生长在云南的山谷之中。尽管外表坚硬 竹子的腹中却空无一物,为一切能够寻径而入的生命 创造了天然完美的庇护所。这是甲虫开凿的一个入口但却为完全不同的生物做了嫁衣。竹节蝙蝠。它是世界上最小的哺乳动物 体型和大黄蜂差不多一样大。整个聚居地内里多达25只竹节蝙蝠,挤在比一个茶杯的空间还要狭小的竹节里。这简直就是挤油渣。竹节内一半的空间属于竹蝠宝宝。尽管只有一周大而已 他们的体型却长得和妈妈一般大小了。喂养这帮疯长的小家伙实在是件苦差事。蝙蝠母亲们只在每晚薄暮降临后外出寻觅食物。


Given the chance, bamboo will create immense forests, dominating entire areas. Bamboo forests occur across southwest China, all the way to Shanghai. But probably the highest diversity of bamboos in the world is found on the hills and valleys of Yunnan.
Though incredibly strong, bamboos have hollow stems, a perfect shelter for any creatures which can find a way in.
A bamboo bat. The size of a bumblebee, it' s one of the tiniest ammals in the world.
The entire colony, up to 25 bats, fits into a single section of bamboo stem, smaller than a tea cup.
It' s quite a squeeze!
Half the colony are babies.
Though barely a week old, they are already almost as big as their mums. Feeding such a fastgrowing brood is hard work.
The mums leave to hunt just after dusk each night.
shí jī chéng shú, zhú zǐ jiāng zào jiù chū zhī pèi zhěng gè dì yù de páng dà zhú lín. zhú lín de zōng jī biàn jí zhěng gè zhōng guó de xī nán bù, yí lù xiàng dōng zhí zhì shàng hǎi dōu néng kàn dào tā de shēn yǐng. huò xǔ shì jiè shang zuì gāo sǒng tǐng bá de zhú zi. què yōu rán shēng zhǎng zài yún nán de shān gǔ zhī zhōng. jǐn guǎn wài biǎo jiān yìng zhú zi de fù zhōng què kōng wú yī wù, wèi yī qiè néng gòu xún jìng ér rù de shēng mìng chuàng zào le tiān rán wán měi dí bì hù suǒ. zhè shì jiǎ chóng kāi záo de yí gè rù kǒu dàn què wèi wán quán bù tóng de shēng wù zuò le jià yī. zhú jié biān fú. tā shì shì jiè shang zuì xiǎo de bǔ rǔ dòng wù tǐ xíng hé dài huáng fēng chà bù duō yí yàng dà. zhěng gè jù jū dì nèi lǐ duō dá 25 zhǐ zhú jié biān fú, jǐ zài bǐ yí gè chá bēi de kōng jiān hái yào xiá xiǎo de zhú jié lǐ. zhè jiǎn zhí jiù shì jǐ yóu zhā. zhú jié nèi yī bàn de kōng jiān shǔ yú zhú fú bǎo bǎo. jǐn guǎn zhǐ yǒu yī zhōu dà ér yǐ tā men de tǐ xíng què zhǎng de hé mā mā yì bān dà xiǎo le. wèi yǎng zhè bāng fēng cháng de xiǎo jiā huo shí zài shì jiàn kǔ chāi shì. biān fú mǔ qīn men zhī zài měi wǎn bó mù jiàng lín hòu wài chū xún mì shí wù.