香格里拉 4

歌曲 香格里拉 4
歌手 英语听力
专辑 【BBC美丽中国】香格里拉


How have monkeys, normally associated with lowland jungle, come to live such a remote mountain existence? This is not the only remarkable animal found within these isolated high peaks.
A Chinese red panda.
Solitary and quiet, it spends much of its time in the tree tops.
Despite its name, the red panda is only a very distant relative of the giant panda.
It's actually more closely related to a skunk.
But it does share the giant panda's taste for bamboo. Southwest China's red pandas are known for their very strong facial markings which distinguish them from red pandas found anywhere else in the Himalayas. Like the monkeys, they were isolated in these high forests
when the mountains quite literally rose beneath them in the greatest mountain-building event in recent geological history.
Over the last 30 million years,
the Indian subcontinent has been pushing northwards into Eurasia.
提起猴子人们通常联想到的是低地雨林,缘何他们选择在偏远的山地繁衍生息呢?它们并非这些孤耸的高峰上唯一醒目的生命,一只中国小熊猫。这位沉默寡言的隐士 将自己生命的大部分置于树的顶端。抛开它的名字,让小熊猫与大熊猫扯上亲戚关系 是一件非常勉强的事情。它在血缘上更接近臭鼬 (小熊猫有时在中文中也称火狐 英文中亦有FireFox既是对其的直接译名 列在熊科或浣熊科是多年来一直被争论的问题 最近经过基因分析 认为与美洲大的浣熊亲缘关系最接近 应该单独列为小熊科),但他却和大熊猫有着共同的口味嗜好 ——竹子。中国西南部的小熊猫因其醒目的面部花纹而著称,这些特征将他们与其它在喜马拉雅地区 发现的火狐物种区分开来。如同猴类一般 它们被隔离在了高远的山林之中,山体在巨大的造山运动中 被挨个完全抬起,近年来的地质学历史已经证明了这一点。在过去3000万年间,印度次大陆持续向北挤压欧亚大陆。


How have monkeys, normally associated with lowland jungle, come to live such a remote mountain existence? This is not the only remarkable animal found within these isolated high peaks.
A Chinese red panda.
Solitary and quiet, it spends much of its time in the tree tops.
Despite its name, the red panda is only a very distant relative of the giant panda.
It' s actually more closely related to a skunk.
But it does share the giant panda' s taste for bamboo. Southwest China' s red pandas are known for their very strong facial markings which distinguish them from red pandas found anywhere else in the Himalayas. Like the monkeys, they were isolated in these high forests
when the mountains quite literally rose beneath them in the greatest mountainbuilding event in recent geological history.
Over the last 30 million years,
the Indian subcontinent has been pushing northwards into Eurasia.
tí qǐ hóu zi rén men tōng cháng lián xiǎng dào de shì dī dì yǔ lín, yuán hé tā men xuǎn zé zài piān yuǎn de shān dì fán yǎn shēng xī ne? tā men bìng fēi zhèi xiē gū sǒng de gāo fēng shàng wéi yī xǐng mù dì shēng mìng, yì zhī zhōng guó xiǎo xióng māo. zhè wèi chén mò guǎ yán de yǐn shì jiāng zì jǐ shēng mìng de dà bù fèn zhì yú shù de dǐng duān. pāo kāi tā de míng zì, ràng xiǎo xióng māo yǔ dà xióng māo chě shàng qīn qī guān xì shì yī jiàn fēi cháng miǎn qiǎng de shì qíng. tā zài xuè yuán shàng gèng jiē jìn chòu yòu xiǎo xióng māo yǒu shí zài zhōng wén zhōng yě chēng huǒ hú yīng wén zhōng yì yǒu FireFox jì shì duì qí de zhí jiē yì míng liè zài xióng kē huò huàn xióng kē shì duō nián lái yī zhí bèi zhēng lùn de wèn tí zuì jìn jīng guò jī yīn fēn xī rèn wéi yǔ měi zhōu dà de huàn xióng qīn yuán guān xì zuì jiē jìn yīng gāi dān dú liè wéi xiǎo xióng kē, dàn tā què hé dà xióng māo yǒu zhe gòng tóng de kǒu wèi shì hào zhú zi. zhōng guó xī nán bù de xiǎo xióng māo yīn qí xǐng mù dì miàn bù huā wén ér zhù chēng, zhèi xiē tè zhēng jiāng tā men yǔ qí tā zài xǐ mǎ lā yǎ dì qū fā xiàn de huǒ hú wù zhǒng qū fēn kāi lái. rú tóng hóu lèi yì bān tā men bèi gé lí zài le gāo yuǎn de shān lín zhī zhōng, shān tǐ zài jù dà de zào shān yùn dòng zhōng bèi āi gè wán quán tái qǐ, jìn nián lái de dì zhì xué lì shǐ yǐ jīng zhèng míng liǎo zhè yì diǎn. zài guò qù 3000 wàn nián jiān, yìn dù cì dà lù chí xù xiàng běi jǐ yā ōu yà dà lù.