
歌曲 口译员的工作(7/7)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 专八mini系列


Second, follow the press in one's native language too, which is of particular importance for interpreters living abroad. Third, watch television, see movies, go to the theatre and listen to songs in their original language. To sum up, it's true that an interpreter's work involves only three basic processes, i.e., understanding, memorization and re-expression. Interpreting is a profession that is all about communication. In order to communicate well, interpreters have to "make their own speech" based on the speeches they interpret, and their speech must be faithful to the original and as accurate as possible in the above three processes. They should take advantage of all the possible resources available in their working languages in order to reach an effective, clear and elegant level of performance.


Second, follow the press in one' s native language too, which is of particular importance for interpreters living abroad. Third, watch television, see movies, go to the theatre and listen to songs in their original language. To sum up, it' s true that an interpreter' s work involves only three basic processes, i. e., understanding, memorization and reexpression. Interpreting is a profession that is all about communication. In order to communicate well, interpreters have to " make their own speech" based on the speeches they interpret, and their speech must be faithful to the original and as accurate as possible in the above three processes. They should take advantage of all the possible resources available in their working languages in order to reach an effective, clear and elegant level of performance.
dì èr, mì qiè guān zhù mǔ yǔ guó de xīn wén, zhè duì yú shēng huó zài guó wài de kǒu yì yuán yóu qí zhòng yào. dì sān, kàn kàn diàn shì hé diàn yǐng, qù xì yuàn tīng yòng gè guó zì jǐ de yǔ yán chàng de gē qǔ. zǒng zhī, shuō shí huà, kǒu yì yuán de gōng zuò zhǐ shè jí sān ge jī běn guò chéng, jí lǐ jiě zhì jì hé chóng shù. kǒu yì jiù shì yī zhǒng jìn xíng gōu tōng de zhí yè. wèi le yǒu xiào gōu tōng, kǒu yì yuán bì xū zài tā men jìn xíng fān yì de yǎn jiǎng de jī chǔ shàng" zuò zì jǐ de yǎn jiǎng", ér qiě tā bì xū zhōng yú yuán lái de fā yán hái yào jìn kě néng zhǔn què dì àn yǐ shàng sān ge guò chéng zhǎn kāi. kǒu yì yuán yīng gāi zài tā men de gōng zuò yǔ yán fàn wéi nèi jìn kě néng lì yòng suǒ yǒu kě yǐ lì yòng de zī yuán yǐ shǐ zì jǐ de biǎo xiàn yǒu xiào qīng xī ér piào liàng.