
歌曲 和陌生人说话(3/6)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 专八mini系列


Social cognition is a dialectical process which involves both grouping particulars into categories based on their similarities, and of distinguishing individuals from their categories based on their differences. Communication with strangers often relies too heavily on categorization or stereotyping. Such stereotypes may be inaccurate, or may not apply to the present individual. To improve communication with strangers we must pay attention to their unique, individual features. Effective communication with strangers requires an increased awareness of our communication behaviors. First, we tend to categorize things automatically, and so we are less aware of doing it. It takes more of our conscious awareness to differentiate particular individuals from their stereotypical categories. Second, much of our daily communication follows familiar scripts, and so we are not consciously aware of that communication behavior. We cannot rely on such familiar scripts and norms when communicating with a stranger. Our communication will be improved if we recognize that familiar scripts do not apply, and seek to modify our communication behaviors accordingly. Finally, we need to talk about some ways to reduce people's uncertainty and anxiety during their communication with strangers. Generally, in communication, we seek to reduce uncertainty.
社会认知是一个涉及以两个分组的细节相似点为基础进行分类并根据其差异性相互区分开来的辩证过程。与陌生人沟通往往过分依赖于分门别类或刻板印象。这样的刻板形象可能是不准确的,或者可能不适用于眼前人。为了加强与陌生人交流,我们必须注意他们的独特的个体特性。与陌生人有效的沟通需要更清楚地认识我们的沟通行为。首先,我们倾向于自动分门别类,而且我们自己也几乎意识不到。我们需要多加有意识从他们的老套的分门别类来区分特定个人。第二,我们的大部分日常沟通遵循熟悉的脚本,所以我们无法清醒地意识到沟通行为。在与陌生人交流时,我们不能依赖这些熟悉的脚本和规范。如果我们认识到熟悉的脚本不适用,并寻求修改了相应的沟通行为,那么我们的沟通将会得到改善。最后,我们需要谈论一些在与陌生人交流时减少人们的不确定性和焦虑的方法。一般来说, 我们在沟通中往往设法减少不确定性。


Social cognition is a dialectical process which involves both grouping particulars into categories based on their similarities, and of distinguishing individuals from their categories based on their differences. Communication with strangers often relies too heavily on categorization or stereotyping. Such stereotypes may be inaccurate, or may not apply to the present individual. To improve communication with strangers we must pay attention to their unique, individual features. Effective communication with strangers requires an increased awareness of our communication behaviors. First, we tend to categorize things automatically, and so we are less aware of doing it. It takes more of our conscious awareness to differentiate particular individuals from their stereotypical categories. Second, much of our daily communication follows familiar scripts, and so we are not consciously aware of that communication behavior. We cannot rely on such familiar scripts and norms when communicating with a stranger. Our communication will be improved if we recognize that familiar scripts do not apply, and seek to modify our communication behaviors accordingly. Finally, we need to talk about some ways to reduce people' s uncertainty and anxiety during their communication with strangers. Generally, in communication, we seek to reduce uncertainty.
shè huì rèn zhī shì yí gè shè jí yǐ liǎng gè fēn zǔ de xì jié xiāng sì diǎn wèi jī chǔ jìn xíng fēn lèi bìng gēn jù qí chā yì xìng xiāng hù qū fēn kāi lái de biàn zhèng guò chéng. yǔ mò shēng rén gōu tōng wǎng wǎng guò fèn yī lài yú fēn mén bié lèi huò kè bǎn yìn xiàng. zhè yàng de kè bǎn xíng xiàng kě néng shì bù zhǔn què de, huò zhě kě néng bù shì yòng yú yǎn qián rén. wèi le jiā qiáng yǔ mò shēng rén jiāo liú, wǒ men bì xū zhù yì tā men de dú tè de gè tǐ tè xìng. yǔ mò shēng rén yǒu xiào de gōu tōng xū yào gèng qīng chǔ dì rèn shi wǒ men de gōu tōng xíng wéi. shǒu xiān, wǒ men qīng xiàng yú zì dòng fēn mén bié lèi, ér qiě wǒ men zì jǐ yě jī hū yì shí bú dào. wǒ men xū yào duō jiā yǒu yì shí cóng tā men de lǎo tào de fēn mén bié lèi lái qū fēn tè dìng gè rén. dì èr, wǒ men de dà bù fèn rì cháng gōu tōng zūn xún shú xī de jué běn, suǒ yǐ wǒ men wú fǎ qīng xǐng dì yì shí dào gōu tōng xíng wéi. zài yǔ mò shēng rén jiāo liú shí, wǒ men bù néng yī lài zhèi xiē shú xī de jué běn hé guī fàn. rú guǒ wǒ men rèn shi dào shú xī de jué běn bù shì yòng, bìng xún qiú xiū gǎi le xiāng yìng de gōu tōng xíng wéi, nà me wǒ men de gōu tōng jiāng huì de dào gǎi shàn. zuì hòu, wǒ men xū yào tán lùn yī xiē zài yǔ mò shēng rén jiāo liú shí jiǎn shǎo rén men de bù què dìng xìng hé jiāo lǜ de fāng fǎ. yì bān lái shuō, wǒ men zài gōu tōng zhōng wǎng wǎng shè fǎ jiǎn shǎo bù què dìng xìng.