
歌曲 如何克服公众演讲恐惧(5/6)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 专八mini系列


Even if you pass out, get tongue-tied, or say something stupid during your talk, they won't care. As long as they get something of value, they would be thankful. Then, remember all you need is two or three main points when preparing a speech. When I first began speaking in public during medical school, I wasn't aware of this simple principle. I wrongly believed that my audience wanted encyclopedic knowledge from me, which of course I didn't have. So I tried to research my topic thoroughly and deliver as much worldly wisdom as possible. Boy was that exhausting. It was also boring for my audience to suffer through. Later, when I began giving public seminars on how to cope with stress, I spent hours each week typing a 20-page script to read from, so I wouldn't forget any important tidbit. As time went on, I gradually learned that this degree of complexity wasn't needed. As a result, the length of my discussion notes gradually declined.
即使你失去知觉,变得结结巴巴,或在演讲过程中说一些蠢话……他们都毫不关心。只要他们获得有价值的东西,他们就会感激。第二, 准备一场演讲你只要记住两三个要点即可。当我在医学院第一次发表公共场合演讲时,我没有注意到这个简单的方法。我错误地认为我的听众希望我是个百事通,当然我不是。所以我设法把我的话题了解的清清楚楚并且希望给我的听众表达尽可能多的人情世故。天啊~这太折腾人了!这对我的听众来说也很无聊,简直就是一种受罪。后来,当我开始在研讨会上谈如何应对压力这个问题时,每周我都花好几个小时读一篇20页复印手稿,这样我才不会忘记任何重要的趣闻。随着时间的推移,我渐渐明白了事情完全没必要弄得这么复杂。最后,我的整篇笔记也变得越来越短了。


Even if you pass out, get tonguetied, or say something stupid during your talk, they won' t care. As long as they get something of value, they would be thankful. Then, remember all you need is two or three main points when preparing a speech. When I first began speaking in public during medical school, I wasn' t aware of this simple principle. I wrongly believed that my audience wanted encyclopedic knowledge from me, which of course I didn' t have. So I tried to research my topic thoroughly and deliver as much worldly wisdom as possible. Boy was that exhausting. It was also boring for my audience to suffer through. Later, when I began giving public seminars on how to cope with stress, I spent hours each week typing a 20page script to read from, so I wouldn' t forget any important tidbit. As time went on, I gradually learned that this degree of complexity wasn' t needed. As a result, the length of my discussion notes gradually declined.
jí shǐ nǐ shī qù zhī jué, biàn de jiē jiē bā bā, huò zài yǎn jiǎng guò chéng zhōng shuō yī xiē chǔn huà tā men dōu háo bù guān xīn. zhǐ yào tā men huò dé yǒu jià zhí de dōng xī, tā men jiù huì gǎn jī. dì èr, zhǔn bèi yī chǎng yǎn jiǎng nǐ zhǐ yào jì zhù liǎng sān ge yào diǎn jí kě. dāng wǒ zài yī xué yuàn dì yī cì fā biǎo gōng gòng chǎng hé yǎn jiǎng shí, wǒ méi yǒu zhù yì dào zhè gè jiǎn dān de fāng fǎ. wǒ cuò wù dì rèn wéi wǒ de tīng zhòng xī wàng wǒ shì gè bǎi shì tōng, dāng rán wǒ bú shì. suǒ yǐ wǒ shè fǎ bǎ wǒ de huà tí liǎo jiě de qīng qīng chǔ chǔ bìng qiě xī wàng gěi wǒ de tīng zhòng biǎo dá jìn kě néng duō de rén qíng shì gù. tiān a zhè tài zhē téng rén le! zhè duì wǒ de tīng zhòng lái shuō yě hěn wú liáo, jiǎn zhí jiù shì yī zhǒng shòu zuì. hòu lái, dāng wǒ kāi shǐ zài yán tǎo huì shàng tán rú hé yìng duì yā lì zhè gè wèn tí shí, měi zhōu wǒ dōu huā hǎo jǐ gè xiǎo shí dú yī piān 20 yè fù yìn shǒu gǎo, zhè yàng wǒ cái bú huì wàng jì rèn hé zhòng yào de qù wén. suí zhe shí jiān de tuī yí, wǒ jiàn jiàn míng bái liǎo shì qíng wán quán méi bì yào nòng de zhè me fù zá. zuì hòu, wǒ de zhěng piān bǐ jì yě biàn de yuè lái yuè duǎn le.