
歌曲 如何写书评(1/6)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 专八mini系列


How to Write a Book Review Good morning, today's lecture is about how to write a book review. First of all, let me explain to you what a book review is. A book review is a descriptive and critical or evaluative account of a book. Like the book report, it provides a summary of content and an analysis of structure, yet you will also assess the value of a book and recommend the book to other readers. There are two approaches to book reviewing: the descriptive and the critical. A descriptive review is one in which the writer, without over-enthusiasm or exaggeration, gives the essential information about a book. This is done by description and exposition, by stating the perceived aims and purposes of the author, and by quoting striking passages from the text.
如何写书评 早上好,今天的演讲是关于如何写书评。首先,让我向你解释什么是书评。书评是对书本的内容描述、批判或评价的文章。同读书笔记一样,书评是对书本内容的总结和文章结构的分析。然而除此之外,你还需对书本的价值做出评价并向其他读者推荐这本书。写书评有两种方法:描述性和批判性。一篇描述性的书评是指一个作者不带任何感情色彩---兴奋或夸张,只提供书本的基本信息。我们可以通过描写和阐述,通过陈述目标和作者的意图,也可以通过引用文中引人注目的段落来写描述性的书评。


How to Write a Book Review Good morning, today' s lecture is about how to write a book review. First of all, let me explain to you what a book review is. A book review is a descriptive and critical or evaluative account of a book. Like the book report, it provides a summary of content and an analysis of structure, yet you will also assess the value of a book and recommend the book to other readers. There are two approaches to book reviewing: the descriptive and the critical. A descriptive review is one in which the writer, without overenthusiasm or exaggeration, gives the essential information about a book. This is done by description and exposition, by stating the perceived aims and purposes of the author, and by quoting striking passages from the text.
rú hé xiě shū píng zǎo shàng hǎo, jīn tiān de yǎn jiǎng shì guān yú rú hé xiě shū píng. shǒu xiān, ràng wǒ xiàng nǐ jiě shì shén me shì shū píng. shū píng shì duì shū běn de nèi róng miáo shù pī pàn huò píng jià de wén zhāng. tóng dú shū bǐ jì yí yàng, shū píng shì duì shū běn nèi róng de zǒng jié hé wén zhāng jié gòu de fēn xī. rán ér chú cǐ zhī wài, nǐ hái xū duì shū běn de jià zhí zuò chū píng jià bìng xiàng qí tā dú zhě tuī jiàn zhè běn shū. xiě shū píng yǒu liǎng zhǒng fāng fǎ: miáo shù xìng hé pī pàn xìng. yī piān miáo shù xìng de shū píng shì zhǐ yí gè zuò zhě bù dài rèn hé gǎn qíng sè cǎi xīng fèn huò kuā zhāng, zhǐ tí gōng shū běn de jī běn xìn xī. wǒ men kě yǐ tōng guò miáo xiě hé chǎn shù, tōng guò chén shù mù biāo hé zuò zhě de yì tú, yě kě yǐ tōng guò yǐn yòng wén zhōng yǐn rén zhù mù dì duàn luò lái xiě miáo shù xìng de shū píng.