
歌曲 学校要教学生的五件事(5/6)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 专八mini系列


The thing of sales ranks the fourth. Obviously I'm not advocating people becoming a salesman after school, but learning the art of selling is what I'm advocating. If you think about it, we all sell everyday. We sell ideas to our boss. We sell to our friends when we pitch ideas on what to do this weekend. We sell ourselves in job interviews. You could say that sales is a great combination of social skills and communicating effectively, but with some other components you should pick up that will be useful. Selling is one of the few skills that can be utilized in any job or career. It's one of the most important cross marketable skills you will ever develop.


The thing of sales ranks the fourth. Obviously I' m not advocating people becoming a salesman after school, but learning the art of selling is what I' m advocating. If you think about it, we all sell everyday. We sell ideas to our boss. We sell to our friends when we pitch ideas on what to do this weekend. We sell ourselves in job interviews. You could say that sales is a great combination of social skills and communicating effectively, but with some other components you should pick up that will be useful. Selling is one of the few skills that can be utilized in any job or career. It' s one of the most important cross marketable skills you will ever develop.
dì sì diǎn shì tuī xiāo. xiǎn rán wǒ bú shì tí chàng rén men zài xià kè hòu qù zuò xiāo shòu gōng zuò, dàn wǒ tí chàng dà jiā xué xí tuī xiāo de yì shù. rú guǒ nǐ zǐ xì xiǎng xiǎng, qí shí wǒ men měi tiān dū zài tuī xiāo. wǒ men xiàng wǒ men de lǎo bǎn tuī xiāo zì jǐ de xiǎng fǎ. dāng wǒ men gào sù wǒ men de péng yǒu zhè zhōu yào zuò shí mǒ de shí hòu wǒ men yě zài tā men tuī xiāo. zài gōng zuò miàn shì shí yě shì rú cǐ. kě yǐ shuō xiāo shòu zōng hé le shè huì jì qiǎo hé yǒu xiào gōu tōng zhè liǎng xiàng jì néng, qí zhōng bù fá xiē yǒu yòng de bù fèn. tuī xiāo shì zài rèn hé gōng zuò huò zhí yè zhōng yùn yòng wéi shù bù duō de jǐ gè jì néng. zhè shì nǐ néng gòu tí shēng de zuì zhòng yào de kuà tuī xiāo jì néng zhī yī. zuì hòu yī jù fān yì shuō bu chū nǎ lǐ biè niǔ, rú guǒ yǒu rè xīn dī tóng xié tí gōng gèng hǎo de yì fǎ jiāng bù shèn gǎn jī a!