
歌曲 对话中常见的五大误区以及解决方案(1/6)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 专八mini系列


Five Common Mistakes in Conversations and Their Solutions Good morning. Today's lecture will focus on the five most common mistakes in conversations and the ways to avoid them. Can you improve your conversation skills? Certainly. It might take a while to change the conversation habits that's been ingrained throughout your life, but it is very possible. Let's just skip right to some common mistakes many of us have made in conversations. And there are some solutions. First mistake, not listening. Ernest Hemingway once said: "I like to listen. I have learned a great deal from listening carefully. Most people never listen." Don't be like most people. Don't just wait eagerly for your turn to talk. Put your own ego on hold. Learn to really listen to what people actually are saying. When you start to really listen, you'll pick up on loads of potential paths in the conversation. But avoid yes or no type of questions as they will not give you much information.
对话中常见的五大误区以及解决方案 大家早上好。今天的演讲将集中对话中常见的五大误区以及解决方案。你能够提高你的谈话技巧吗?当然可以。尽管这可能需要一段时间来改变你已经根深蒂固的对话习惯,但它还是非常有可能的。就让我们直接跳到我们很多人在谈话中的一些常见的错误和一些解决方案。第一个错误,不会倾听。海明威曾经说过:“我很喜欢听,认真倾听让我学到了很多,大多数人从来都不懂得倾听。”不要像大多数人一样。不要总是迫不及待地等待轮到你说话的时刻。先把自我搁置一旁。学会真正听懂他人在什么。当你开始真正倾听时,你会无意中发现在谈话中存在许多潜在之道。但要避免封闭性提问,因为你无法从中得到很多信息。


Five Common Mistakes in Conversations and Their Solutions Good morning. Today' s lecture will focus on the five most common mistakes in conversations and the ways to avoid them. Can you improve your conversation skills? Certainly. It might take a while to change the conversation habits that' s been ingrained throughout your life, but it is very possible. Let' s just skip right to some common mistakes many of us have made in conversations. And there are some solutions. First mistake, not listening. Ernest Hemingway once said: " I like to listen. I have learned a great deal from listening carefully. Most people never listen." Don' t be like most people. Don' t just wait eagerly for your turn to talk. Put your own ego on hold. Learn to really listen to what people actually are saying. When you start to really listen, you' ll pick up on loads of potential paths in the conversation. But avoid yes or no type of questions as they will not give you much information.
duì huà zhōng cháng jiàn de wǔ dà wù qū yǐ jí jiě jué fāng àn dà jiā zǎo shàng hǎo. jīn tiān de yǎn jiǎng jiāng jí zhōng duì huà zhōng cháng jiàn de wǔ dà wù qū yǐ jí jiě jué fāng àn. nǐ néng gòu tí gāo nǐ de tán huà jì qiǎo ma? dāng rán kě yǐ. jǐn guǎn zhè kě néng xū yào yī duàn shí jiān lái gǎi biàn nǐ yǐ jīng gēn shēn dì gù de duì huà xí guàn, dàn tā hái shì fēi cháng yǒu kě néng de. jiù ràng wǒ men zhí jiē tiào dào wǒ men hěn duō rén zài tán huà zhōng de yī xiē cháng jiàn de cuò wù hé yī xiē jiě jué fāng àn. dì yí gè cuò wù, bú huì qīng tīng. hǎi míng wēi céng jīng shuō guò:" wǒ hěn xǐ huān tīng, rèn zhēn qīng tīng ràng wǒ xué dào le hěn duō, dà duō shù rén cóng lái dōu bù dǒng de qīng tīng." bú yào xiàng dà duō shù rén yí yàng. bú yào zǒng shì pò bù jí dài dì děng dài lún dào nǐ shuō huà de shí kè. xiān bǎ zì wǒ gē zhì yī páng. xué huì zhēn zhèng tīng dǒng tā rén zài shén me. dāng nǐ kāi shǐ zhēn zhèng qīng tīng shí, nǐ huì wú yì zhōng fā xiàn zài tán huà zhōng cún zài xǔ duō qián zài zhī dào. dàn yào bì miǎn fēng bì xìng tí wèn, yīn wèi nǐ wú fǎ cóng zhōng de dào hěn duō xìn xī.